Monthly Archives: June 2021


I am always getting spam from bots trying to post replies to my posts. Though recently there has been a ton spam about weed. I wonder if that is because one person just hired one bot to spam all the internet with weed ads so I get like 30 a day here, or if it is trending some where so there are a lot of ads about it or something. It does seem like weird ad trends come and go, though the ones that are most common and show up all the time are just random ones saying ‘hey cool site’ and stuff like that but they have a website link as their email. Which I am not even sure why they do that since you can’t see people’s emails when they post, so no one will see their spam website.


So I did a basic outline of how the fairy kingdom will be set up in Kawaii. Currently I got 16 locations that are rides, shops and places of interest and what not. And then a path leading around the park where I can put in other stuff. I didn’t really write much about any of the locations yet, just organized where there are and what they are.

This weeks plan

So this week I plan on working on Kawaii. I plan on being a little distracted this week and I got a side project to work on as well. So I am not going to release an update for Kawaii this weekend, but will next weekend. I was also thinking of doing that, because the next part of the game is a really big area. So I want to use the extra time to outline and set everything up for that. So releasing an update in the middle of working the next area isn’t the best timing, since stuff might be all over the place.

Speaking of the next area for the game, it is the big amusement park, fairy kingdom! I will spending this week, just adding different areas to go explore. I will probably make it so it is a big map where you can wander around and go to different shops or rides and see things. Which is why I want to take an extra week working this part of the game as well. The plan is to have it be by far the largest area of the game, so that you can really explore around.

Also since the next day is to spend another day exploring the same place, I will be able to copy some of the locations and what not. So putting the extra work in fleshing out the area, will help with that as well. It will be the same shops and rides on the second day, but you will be able to go with a date, so the experience will be different than on the first day.

Day off

Since I had the day off today, I was playing the Last Spell. It is pretty fun, though a lot of people complain that it is kind of hard, or that you have to die a lot to unlock stuff. Though the point of the game is to die a lot to unlock stuff. If you unlocked everything at the start and won on your first try, you probably wouldn’t play it again. Anyway, I was enjoying it.


Well I was feeling motivated this morning so I got the update ready! So it isn’t a huge update as far as forward progress, but is is branch heavy with a lot of different options on how to handle things. Though there are mainly two outcomes, either you end up pregnant with the spirit/gods baby, or you don’t. Though how you do that varies a little, including one possibility for you to grow a cock and get someone else pregnant.

I decided to go this way with the story, since then I can focus on the pregnancy stuff next update. Ultimately you can end up pregnant from the spirit, your lover, getting raped, or avoid it entirely. The one thing I was wondering though, is should I let you get pregnant if you have the lesbian lover? Maybe through the help of the spirits and magic.

Old Soul


Working a bit late tonight too for the same reasons as yesterday. Tomorrow when I update Old Souls, it will probably be a late night update too. Even though I was trying to get the updates released earlier in the day most of the time, lately I been up later again and getting stuff done later in the day. Hopefully it wont be at like midnight, though maybe it will be, we shall see.

Working late

I am normally a late night person, though I been trying to work on the games earlier in the day as I am a bit more productive in the morning. However between it being really hot during the day and some distractions with kids, I been putting the work off until later in the day. I have not even really done anything yet today.


I got really distracted thinking about that scfi story I mentioned the other day. I was still thinking about it, and it made focusing on other stuff a bit harder. I am probably thinking about it a lot because I came up with a lot of really good stuff but there is a couple of problems that make the entire thing unworkable and so I keep trying to figure those things out. I should probably just put it off to the side awhile and not think about it at all, so I can focus on other things and get things done!

On a side note, and this has nothing to do with the scifi story I was thinking of writing, I actually worked on several scifi games before that I never really released, since I didn’t get that far into them. Many with robot transformations, since I think turning into a sexy robot is pretty cool and also you don’t see as many robot stuff as often as other tf related stuff.


It is pretty hot out today, some saying 104, some up to 106. Either way, it is way too hot! Personally I like colder weather than hotter weather. Though I mostly stayed indoors in the air conditioning all day. Still a bit warm inside too though.

The plan

So this week I am working on Old Soul again, because I don’t feel I got a lot done last week with it. Also I want to make some progress when it is still fresh in my mind, so I don’t forget everything that was going on again. So last time I set it up with something happen with Aluria, the goddess that had a temple in the city. I am going to set daily goals again, but I am going to be a bit more flexible this week. I am not entirely sure where I want to go with the story so I want to try to work with a schedule that takes that into account.

Tuesday: Do the path dealing with Aluria stuff if you happened to be cursed from the temple.

Wednesday: Set up the main path, in case you didn’t get cursed.

Thursday: Have at least 3 different options for dealing with the Aluria issue on the main path.

Friday: Finish that up and set up pregnancy stuff for future(if the character got pregnant).

Saturday: Finish all that up and release the game.