Monthly Archives: August 2016

Game Over!

Game Results are now up and Bobbi Knockers was able to to win with an impressive leap in Dominance points this round. Taking out the the Goddess earned 6 points, and with Alice’s help she was able to take out Seth and the vampire lesbian for two extra points, giving her an +8 dominance this turn. With the 18 dominance she had prior that put her at the 26 needed for the sudden death win.

Sudden Death

Turn is now up and emails all sent out. Since the game is starting to drag a little bit, and a lot of people seem to be quitting at this point I think it is important we speed things up a little to reach the end of the game in a timely manner. Thus we are in sudden death! The amount of dominance points needed to win the game will drop by 2 each turn until someone wins.