This weeks plan

So this week I plan on working on Kawaii. I plan on being a little distracted this week and I got a side project to work on as well. So I am not going to release an update for Kawaii this weekend, but will next weekend. I was also thinking of doing that, because the next part of the game is a really big area. So I want to use the extra time to outline and set everything up for that. So releasing an update in the middle of working the next area isn’t the best timing, since stuff might be all over the place.

Speaking of the next area for the game, it is the big amusement park, fairy kingdom! I will spending this week, just adding different areas to go explore. I will probably make it so it is a big map where you can wander around and go to different shops or rides and see things. Which is why I want to take an extra week working this part of the game as well. The plan is to have it be by far the largest area of the game, so that you can really explore around.

Also since the next day is to spend another day exploring the same place, I will be able to copy some of the locations and what not. So putting the extra work in fleshing out the area, will help with that as well. It will be the same shops and rides on the second day, but you will be able to go with a date, so the experience will be different than on the first day.

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