Monthly Archives: October 2022

Wolf Cabin!

The update is up. Every path should lead to an ending of some sort. The paths are not really balanced with some being way longer than others, but they are all done. There is some special secrets sprinkled in here and there too.

The game is made to be short and repeatable, and who the wolf is different each time(chosen at the start of the game). Using the back button may break some stuff, so if you are going to try spamming things to see different results please use the save button then reload the game. Though keep in mind the wolf won’t change if you reload a save so you will never see everything in a path doing that.


So I am not sure merging all the paths back into a few different main areas was a good idea, since there is so many variations, that it is still a ton of work to do those areas. I should have it all done tomorrow, but probably not going to really have any extended endings for most of the paths.


Okay, I put an updated version of Wolf Cabin up. So if you hang out you go onto Mitch’s path, if you avoid getting drugged you go to Jason’s path. If you dance you go to Jack’s path. No matter who is the werewolf or if you succeed or fail the checks, all of those path should either lead to you dying, turning into a werewolf, or getting one of three scenarios: Escaping out of the front of the house, escaping behind the house, or barricaded inside the house.

The two paths I have not worked on yet is the beer pong route and the ‘not interested’ route(which is probably going to be lesbian route you can go to from any of the others if your not interested in the guys).

The plan for those three scenarios is that everything merges into them(though who is alive and who is the werewolf is going to be completely different depending on what happened before) and those will lead to possible escapes. Everything else results in dying, or turning into a wolf. Turning into a wolf is still losing, so there are some sexy scenes as a wolf, but most of the wolf endings are short.


Seems like every passage I make, just spawns off a ton more for things branching all over. A lot of them, most people probably can’t see most of the time. Like if one specific person happens to be the wolf, and you happen to hit on them, then there is like 8 branches off of that. So there probably wont be a full fledge path for each of the 8 characters, but the main ones will each have a path and the others will show up in the others.


I got a decent amount done today. I am trying to do the endings to as many paths as I can, to get that wrapped up. I still have other paths that need working on, one of which I have not even started on yet. Getting the endings done will hopefully make it more organized though.


I feel like I should of given myself more than a month to do the Halloween game, since there is so many paths and endings to it. I need to get really motivated one day, and then just spend all day long working on it or something to get a huge jump or progress.


I put up the game, but it is still pretty rough. Most of the stuff take place if you ‘just hang out’ when you go to the party, and say you are interested in Mitch, though you also need to fail the check to notice what he does.

I plan to have a much more playable version finished this next weekend. Hopefully I will get everything all sorted out by then. Then the last week will be fleshing out all the paths, and fixing the bugs and stuff. Though if you want to see the early version here it is.


I will post the first version of the game tomorrow. It is going to be a bit of a mess though, so I wont post it on tfgamesite yet. Since it branches like crazy it goes all over the place and I am not sure all of them will get to endings by tomorrow, so some might want to wait until I get more done but I will put something up for people who want to see.


The Halloween game is such a mess with stuff all over. I am trying to set up points where all the branching stuff can merge back when possible. So for example, you might be making out with character A and they die and you flee out the back door, or you might be alone and sneak out the window and go back around behind the cabin. Both would put you behind the cabin. Though it isn’t that easy since characters can be all over the place, since I am doing random werewolf and who you start with is based on which starting path you are on. So you might end up in the back of the cabin but who else is there might be very different.


I want to go for a first release this coming Friday, maybe Saturday. That should give me a good idea how much time I got left to work on the game and how long I should plan on making it. Since it has a lot of branching paths, I am not really sure how much work it will be. Though depending on how much I get done, the amount of paths can be adjusted.