Monthly Archives: June 2021


For for Old souls, there are a few paths for pregnancy. Obviously, there is don’t get pregnant at all. Then get pregnant from your lover(the male one or female one), get pregnant from getting raped, or from the last area from the wolf spirit. Tonight I will be working on just general stuff, and advance time a little bit to get to the pregnancy.

Wednesday: Will work on lovers routes

Thursday: Will work on rape routes

Friday: Will work on the spirit route

Saturday: I am going to try to tie everything together. And also work on the not getting pregnant route.

The plan

So I was thinking about it and one of my problems I got some times is that I am thinking about a lot of things and my mind wanders. Because I want to do a lot of stuff but time is limited! Anyway even if I put doing something off until later some times I start thinking about it anyway and it is distracting. Also while I did set aside a day off to play games and do stuff I wanted, I was thinking it can still be distracting during the week if I only reward myself at the end of the week.

So I was thinking about this. What if I put in daily rewards? So I get my goal for the day, then I can immediately get rewarded and go do the other thing I wanted to do. Also I was thinking I might just schedule some of the stuff into the week to do regardless of anything else, just so I can get it out of my system and not get distracted. So something like, I got an hour to play games on Tuesday but if I finish my goal then I can play as much as I want later that day. Of course, when I am talking about distractions I don’t mean just things that are generally considered slacking off(such as playing games or watching movies hehe). There is also other things, like reading, writing for non-tf related stuff, checking the news and things like that, that can distracted by but are productive in their own ways(just not specifically productive for tfgames, though I would say improving my general writing helps that too).

So this week I am going to try that, though I wont post all the random rewards and stuff I plan on doing, since people probably don’t care too much about those things. I will just leave them in person copy of my schedule. As for games I just did a big update for kawaii so will work on some other stuff for a bit now. This week, I will go back to Old souls, then Magic girl contest. Actually, maybe I will do two weeks in of row of each, and try to make a lot of progress. I will start with Old Souls.

So this week my goal is to do the pregnancy stuff for Old souls. I am not entirely sure where I am going with that story yet so tomorrow I will organize everything and plan things out then release more concrete goals for each day.

Day off

So was mostly taking the day off to relax a little. Often I play video games on my time off, though today I was working on a character for a world of darkness table top game(though playing it online). Also slept in a bit and tried to get some extra rest as I felt a bit tired lately. Anyway, so not much happening today.

Tomorrow I will need to work out my schedule for the next month. Even though I got some stuff done this month I don’t feel I been as productive as I could have been, so will need to think about tomorrow as well to help get a good schedule going for the coming week.

Kawaii update!

If you ever seen a twine game in the twine engine, it is set up to look pretty organized and when I started that is how the theme park looked, all neat and organized but now it looks like a big blob of code and paths going all over the place.

Anyway, the theme park area is done and you can explore all over with your friends and do lots of stuff. It feels like a better version of what I did with the cosplay convention, with it being far more organized. I think I might still eventually go back and add more stuff, especially since most of the rides can only be ridden once. I want you to be able to ride them more than once but each time you would likely have a different reaction, so rewriting everything multiple times for each time you do it, is a bit much. At least on the first pass. There is a lot of stuff for the game I want to go over again and polish up, so riding things multiple times will probably happen then.

Anyway the game now goes up until you leave fairy kingdom.



So I was feeling pretty good today, so not so worried about getting sick now. I was just getting ready to start working on stuff tonight. I always been a late night person but lately I been staying up even later every night, probably because it is so hot during the day and have a lot of stuff going on, so night is very peaceful. And when I say late, I am talking about staying up until like 5 am.

A bit sick

I was feeling mostly fine today except when I woke up the back of my throat was kind of sore. It took a while but the soreness went away later in the day but now I got kind of a headache and feel a bit warm. It doesn’t seem to be anything too serious but I wonder if maybe I am coming down with something.


So working on Kawaii today to continue work on the theme park section of the game. Just doing minor changes where I am adding some options and choices and I think it does make a pretty big impact. Those little changes to things you can do by reacting here and there, makes it feel a lot better I think.


So I planned to take today off from doing much, and mostly just relaxed a bit. Still had a lot to do but I am glad I took one day off, since I don’t think I would of gotten a ton with the game today anyway but at least this way I am not stressing about not getting anything done, since it was planned.

The Plan

So this week I am going to finally get the Kawaii update finished. Basically I will just being adding more reactions and choices to all the different areas of the theme park, so it is a bit more fleshed out. I am going to also work on the organization of it a little bit.

On that note, I think I am going to take Tuesday off this week, as I feel like I really need a break lately. I will just relax tomorrow, then get to work on finishing the stuff Wednesday. Since I got all the set up pretty much done, it shouldn’t be too difficult to just add stuff here and there to flesh things out, so losing a day shouldn’t be a big deal. Also I feel like I might be more productive afterwards.


So I basically got my goal finished for this week for kawaii but I am not sure if I want to release an update for it. I got all the different locations for the theme park, but I feel like it is just visit them and then leave and it isn’t very exciting or ‘game like’. It is missing something. I think what it is missing is more choices and reactions.

Such as there is a roller coaster you can go on and it just describes what happens in the rollercoaster. Though I think it would be nicer if you can also decide how you react to it, so for example, if you scream like a little girl because it is scary/exciting. Also I just have the scene for the first time you go on a ride, but I feel like maybe if you really like something and go to see it more than once, there should be a special thing for that too. I have not gotten to add those extra stuff yet though, which is why I feel like that section of the game is a bit flat though. Which is why I am not sure if I want to release it now, or just wait until I add those extra things.

I was thinking it might not really hurt to just do the update anyway, but then if someone did play it, there wouldn’t be much to do but just go see all the stuff at once without the reactions and stuff and that might ruin it. This also gets to something I been wondering about for a while. A part of me wants to release an update every week when possible, just so there is constant updates and to keep things going. However, another part of me thinks that rushing things to get an update every week means the update are not as meaningful or impactful. There is obviously a large area between weekly updates and not updating for like 6 months or something. I sort of worry if I don’t get the constant updates out, then I might end up having big delays like that. Though realistically I have been a lot better keeping on track since I made daily posts here.

Anyway, I think I wont do the update this time. I do have all the background stuff for the theme park finished though. So the next thing is to just focus entirely on reactions from rides, or conversations with your friends and things like that, to really flesh out everything.