Monthly Archives: January 2022

This week

So the plan for this week is to catch up on some things as I am little behind here and there. I also want to go through and make sure you can get to all the different dates in the game. Since I was just doing the dates at the amusement parks but have not gone through to do code on earlier parts that might apply to it. Then I want to clean stuff up too, so everything can be played through to the current end. Since I will be working on the endings soon.


Lately my computer has been getting kind of slow, though only some times. And what is weird is that it has crashed a few times, but only doing stuff that requires low processing power, like browsing stuff online. But then playing a game with high graphics is fine. I don’t know what that is about. I think maybe because stuff downloading in the background to update this or that, and the programs have enough sense to shut off and not update while playing a game but then goes crazy when not much else is running. I don’t think it is the stuff that is running that is the problem either, but just updates trying to write too many things to the hard drive at once that it slows things down.


So I was really motivated today and got a ton done. Sadly, I wasn’t working on Kawaii. I did do the daily stuff for Kawaii but then I got really motivated and worked on a side project a bunch.


So after I finish up kawaii, I will work on finishing up magical girl contest. Even if things are a bit slower than I expected, once I get those two out of the way, that is most of my big projects. Then just old souls, and some smaller projects.


So got back into things today. Didn’t get a ton done, at least not enough to make up for the two days off, but got a decent amount done. I feel like things are dragging a little and wanted to get everything done sooner.


Okay break is over and getting back into things tomorrow. I don’t really feel like I accomplished much by relaxing, since it just makes me feel like I wasted the day rather than just feeling relaxed. When I take days off, I should probably go do something more interesting than just sit around my house hehe. Anyway, I am hoping to get a lot done tomorrow.

The plan

So the plan this week is to take Monday and Tuesday off, but then I will get back into Kawaii, working on the dates and stuff. It will be similar to last week, but a little shorter. I hope maybe next weekend I can get extra work done and make up for that though.

Next week

So I feel like I am slowing down a bit in getting things done, so I think next week I will take one or two days off from writing, to try to refocus. I will put that into the schedule tomorrow. Maybe I will work on some short naughty game or something to get ideas going, that some times work.


So today I was thinking about maybe doing some short mini games, and putting them on patreon. I feel bad I don’t really use it more often and putting little mini games on there might be nice. Since mini games don’t take too long to do, maybe just like a day or two, they don’t really distract from my main projects that much.