Monthly Archives: August 2024


I feel like I was in the zone and got a lot done this weekend. Though I ended up working on the novel I am working on, because I was so in the zone for it, instead of working on something naughty. Though I did have some new ideas for games I could do.


So this weekend coming up, I want to try to do a day to really focus on games and try to get a lot done, maybe finish something up if I can. Not sure what to work on though.


So I don’t really like to talk politics on here, since everyone just wants to play fun naughty games right? However since Republicans in the US want to ban porn(which would likely include this website and similar ones), I should just throw it out there. Support naughty games and vote against all the weird Republicans who want to control your sex life and ban fun.


I need to get back to doing daily updates again. Some times I am not really sure what to post, on days when I don’t have big plans and don’t get too much done. But if you let just a day or two go by, it is easy for a lot more to slip by.


I been kind of distracted lately, because I wanted to work on that book I am writing(which is a lot of work). I need to like, take a day off just to focus on games for here or something.