Monthly Archives: July 2024


I feel like there are several things I want to do at the same time, so I kind of split my time between them. I think I really need to focus on one thing though.


I got a little distracted thinking of that romance game I had worked on before, since I got a bunch of code for it. I am not sure if I should work on it or not, since it will take a bit to work out all the code, and it isn’t finished either. Though there is a bunch written for it already. I have other stuff I said I would get done too though.

Beta Reading

So I mentioning before I am writing a novel. Just out of curiosity, I was wondering if any people have an interest in fantasy stories. It doesn’t have any sex or transformation elements in it, so I am not sure it really appeals to the fanbase here. However it is about mermaids, which is cool.


About that game I mentioned before, I did get the code from the other person for it. It isn’t completely done but it has a decent amount done. So I might be able to work on that game again.


Having a set schedule actually worked out really well and I got everything done I wanted today. Though I did try to keep it a bit light and not overload it too much. Gradually I will try to make it a lot longer to see how much stuff I can pack in.


People who been around here awhile know that my sister’s kids often come over to bug me during summer break, when they got a lot of free time. That happened this weekend, my nephew came over and was here like all day, two days straight. Though I still plan on having a solid schedule for this week to try and get a lot done. I get stuff done earlier in the day, then even if they show up it shouldn’t be too bad, since they often come later in the day.


I feel like I need to make a strict schedule to get things organized again. I will probably do that this weekend, and try planning out next week in detail.


So I was thinking of uploading that game I mentioned the other day, since you can play through most of it. I tried playing it though, and it was really rough. It is probably the game with the most ‘game’ like mechanics to it, that I have made. The biggest issue is that it is a bit grindy, and the you currently can’t see what any of the stats and stuff are, so everything is sort of hidden. I do know how to fix it, though it is a lot more coding than I usually do for games.

It is basically a romance combined with a survival game, so there is survival elements like getting food and crafting stuff, and also romance as you bond in the survival situation.


Recently I been thinking of a game I was working on before that I got really far into. Then someone offered to help me with coding, and did a bunch of extra coding to make it even better but then they disappeared, and I don’t know what happened to all the work they did. Though the game was pretty far along before they even did anything.

Happy 4th of July!

I hope everyone has a good holiday if you are in the US. It is kind of ironic that only a couple of days ago the Supreme Court went against the US constitution and ruled that the President of the US is above of the law. I normally don’t mention anything political here, since I just want everyone to have a fun time, but in the spirit of the holiday, “Fuck you fascist supreme court.”

To everyone else, Happy holiday.