Monthly Archives: April 2022


So I think I am finally recovered today, hopefully. I have been feeling mostly fine today, except for just being really hungry, because I didn’t eat a lot over the last few days with stomach problems. I also slept better today, than the last few days since I kept waking up a bit earlier than normal when I wasn’t feeling as good.


Actually I am going to take it easy this week and post the game this weekend instead. I thought I was all better before, but then wasn’t feeling well again last night. At the moment, I am feeling perfectly fine but it seems like it was coming and going. So just going to rest until I am at 100%.


Actually I might take today off from working on anything too. I am still feeling a bit sick. Even though it isn’t that serious, the fact that it is lingering on really sucks and kind of dragging down my motivation.


My niece who I babysat the other day was kind of sick too, same thing I got basically, so I guess it probably wasn’t anything I ate. I blame her, kids always picking up random diseases! Though like I mentioned yesterday, it was a pretty mild thing over all. Since I didn’t do much yesterday though, I will put up the the game I was working on tomorrow instead of today. After that I want to get back to finishing up Kawaii this week. I don’t know if I will finish the game but I want to get a big chunk of it done either way.

On a side note, feeling a bit sick yesterday made me feel like I am getting a bit out of shape. Even though my niece(who is a young healthy kid) got the same thing, so obviously I didn’t get sick because I was out of shape. Still I feel like I am getting a bit out of shape, so I think I am going to work out more. Exercise is suppose to help with motivation and stuff too, so maybe it will help that as well.


I didn’t get too much done today because I was feeling kind of meh. Some kind of stomach thing. I didn’t throw up or anything but felt a bit bloated and my stomach was grumbly. I think I am fine now though.


On Monday I will probably release the short game I was working on this week. It might end up a little strange though. The reason I stopped working on it before was because I kept hitting places and wasn’t sure where to go with it, so to finish I just need to kind of go with things and it leads to some unusual places. It should be a fun game though.


So I have a lot of games I have worked on at varying states of progress. One of them is a game I have gone back to a few times because I really liked the opening but then I didn’t know where to take it, because I had ideas going all over the place. So it was branching like crazy, even early in the story. Which makes it a bit unworkable. I was thinking of maybe just working on a path to make a short game with that. It is a game where something causes everything to return to nature and everyone becomes animals, or half animals. That is the part I couldn’t really decide, which way to go with it.


So not feeling super motivated this week and have not gotten too much done, however I don’t want to leave things too long without doing anything. So I think I will try to release a small mini game this week and just keep things kind of simple.