Monthly Archives: February 2025


So I was going to post everyday, but I think it might be better to post every other day, which is sort of what I been doing. In my long term goal to try to write everyday, before I was trying to start writing early, right after waking up. And I am pretty productive in the morning if I focus on just writing before doing anything else. However, lately I been doing more in the middle of the day. I don’t feel as motivated then, but it also feels easier to slip into the work and do a bunch of stuff, when there is not much going on.


I am a bit behind where I wanted to be, and been slacking off a bit lately, though I been getting back into it a bit. Today was a pretty good day, in that I feel like I got a decent amount done. Though I am still hoping to increase that by a lot more.


I kind of been wanting to do a game with demons. Though that is something I like doing, I often get stuck on what to do long term, without it turning super lewd and getting distracting.


I didn’t post yesterday because my internet died for like an hour, right before I was going to post then I went to bed. It is annoying that there are still so many internet issues, even though technology is way better these days. Though it actually isn’t that bad, it still goes down like once or twice a month.


I am going to try to post everyday, because I think it helps me stay on track at least a little bit. I had big plans this year but January ended up being a big distraction from my goals. So I need to double down to get things down now!

What I would really like to do this year, is to make some money with my writing. With the economy about to head into a major down turn because of Trump’s insane trade war, I could definitely use the money. My biggest hope is I want to try to finish the story I am writing and maybe get it published. I have a second story that I want to write, that I think might be really popular too.

I know I can finish them both, and make games on here, though focusing long term can be difficult to me(probably for a lot of people too, with the internet these days).