Monthly Archives: January 2021


So often when I get really active I get a ton of stuff done and can work for long periods of time. When I was doing demonic evolution, some days I did like 12 hours straight of work, that was a lot. Though my weakness is that I get distracted and busy with things and don’t work much. Which is why I am trying to balance things out. That is why I started posting here everyday, to try to work things out to work more often. I would like to get my schedule going, so that I work at least 2 hours every day on games. I still want to work longer when I can but having a more balanced approach of doing something everyday no matter would get more done I think. That is the goal I want to go for.


Someone in my family got sick and just got a covid test just to see if they had it(could of just be normal flu or whatever but you know how things are these days). They said it will take a week to get the test results though. I can’t believe places are still doing the tests that take a week. By the time the results get back they could infect a dozen other people(if they have it)!

Daily posting

I am not sure how much posting everyday helped getting me to stay on task, but it is showing me how much time I seem to be wasting on random stuff. Well a lot of it is stuff I can’t really help, like family things. I was originally hoping to do more posts on game related stuff, though it seems my schedule is really chaotic lately, and I need to work on getting that all sorted out. Ideally, I want to work on game related stuff at least a couple of hours everyday, then I can post about it. Well that is my goal, I will try to figure out a better schedule to get things done.


I decided I am going to finish up and release the smaller game I was working on for someone. I will release it this weekend, maybe on monday. It is basically finished now but I will work on tweaking it a little more, but definitely I will release it by monday.


Super late post because I stayed up all night and almost forgot to post before going to bed. Anyway, people remember that April fools game I did? I still get replies from that game today and the bitches playground area has hundreds and hundreds of people on it. It is actually crazy long. I just did a quick estimate and it would be like 15 pages long if you put it in a book or something.

Transformation Book

I am not sure where I would find the time to write it but I been wondering if people would be interested in a transformation related novel. There are a lot of fetish type erotic books online but most are very short. Which is why I wonder about a full length, serious novel with transformation themes in it that is also packed with good story. I have several ideas that could probably work in a book format.


Been making a lot of random posts lately, so I thought today I would talk about Kawaii, one of the games I been working on. In it, you a guy who turn into a cute girl and go to vacation in Japan to do cute girly things. The part I am currently working on, is on a day you go to a big cosplay convention like event. You get a choice of who you want to dress up as, and get to go around to random events and see different things.


On a side note, Biden became president today and things seems to go very peaceful. There was a lot of worries of violence and what not, but regardless of anyone’s political beliefs we should all be happy that everything was peaceful.