
I am always getting spam from bots trying to post replies to my posts. Though recently there has been a ton spam about weed. I wonder if that is because one person just hired one bot to spam all the internet with weed ads so I get like 30 a day here, or if it is trending some where so there are a lot of ads about it or something. It does seem like weird ad trends come and go, though the ones that are most common and show up all the time are just random ones saying ‘hey cool site’ and stuff like that but they have a website link as their email. Which I am not even sure why they do that since you can’t see people’s emails when they post, so no one will see their spam website.

2 thoughts on “Spam

  1. cantseestuff

    how hard/much effort would it be to add a captcha or a I’m not a robot tick box thing? i mean it might not stop it but might slow them slow. also are you still planning on entering the tfgames contest? im a big fan of your writing so think you’ve got a good chance of winning.

    1. adminlily Post author

      I am sure it probably isn’t that hard, but I don’t know how, so would need to look it up. And yeah I am planning on joining the contest. I have not started on it yet since it will be a while. When it gets closer I will probably put it on my schedule to work on in several weeks in a row and knock it out quickly.


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