
Well I was feeling motivated this morning so I got the update ready! So it isn’t a huge update as far as forward progress, but is is branch heavy with a lot of different options on how to handle things. Though there are mainly two outcomes, either you end up pregnant with the spirit/gods baby, or you don’t. Though how you do that varies a little, including one possibility for you to grow a cock and get someone else pregnant.

I decided to go this way with the story, since then I can focus on the pregnancy stuff next update. Ultimately you can end up pregnant from the spirit, your lover, getting raped, or avoid it entirely. The one thing I was wondering though, is should I let you get pregnant if you have the lesbian lover? Maybe through the help of the spirits and magic.

Old Soul

5 thoughts on “Update

  1. Enmesarra

    When you have magic available, I think a magical pregnancy would be welcome. Parthenogenesis for the win!

  2. CaptainFabulass

    Old Souls is definitely one of my favorite games you’ve made, and I’m so glad its getting updated. Love the idea of the a world where reincarnation is known and acknowledged straight from birth. I really hope to see this topic further explored and played, and how other further perceive you as world opens up to the player.

  3. Hydralisk

    fantasy is fantasy do what you must to do, for now is grate be better in future but please dont forgotten about not all is on g rote xD


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