Monthly Archives: November 2022

Game Finished!

I went and did a couple more bad endings but I am just not feeling it too much. The game is just a little shy of the 50k mark but it is close enough. I will put the extra words for my goal into another side project I am working on, so I will still have the 50k words written this month.

I hope everyone enjoys the game! I think I might try this again, to help improve how many games I can pump out!

Ai Freedom Act

Also, since someone asked for it:

Alternative version(with black background)


So I have ‘finished’ the game, and uploaded it. You should be able to get to the ending no matter which way you go, including the final golden ending.

Right now it is roughly 45k words and I got the rest of today, and 3 more full days of work left. My plan is to hit the 50k word goal by the end of the month, and there should be no problem doing so. So I will be adding some more bad endings to fill that out. Expect the final final update to be up some time Wednesday night.



So I learned a few things from writing every single day and keeping track of my progress.

  1. I can get a 1000 words written everyday no matter what, without much difficulty. Even if I was sick, or super busy, I can get that much done. Even if I really don’t feel like writing, I can brute force myself through 1000 words.
  2. I can pretty comfortably get 1500 every day. Typically I can’t do that all at once, and break it up into two smaller sessions. While I do that I was able to also do others things I wanted to get done as well. I even took some time to write some on other projects, while doing the main project. So 1500 is doable everyday for an average pace.
  3. I can write a lot more than that, if I am motivated and I have clear goals. I already sort of knew that though, that I slow down when things get too complex and there is branches all over and it is hard to determine where to go with everything.


So I am on the final branch and I have seven days left. I am fairly confident I am going to finish early. I am sort of debating what to do with the extra time. If I should extend the branch even further and make it the ‘main’ path? Or maybe work on adding bad endings in places?

Bug fix

There was a bug blocking the ending for the new path I updated yesterday, and I fixed that. So now you should actually be able to get to the end of that path.

That is the first time I ever seen that bug in twine, where I had two passages with the same name, which it doesn’t allow you to create normally but some how it did. Everything showed it going to the correct passage but then it was teleporting to the other with the same name.

Game Update

Okay, I put up a new update for the game I am working on this month. Like I said, there are four main paths(with lots of bad endings along the way). I have finished one of those paths, which is if you become AI and also support the AI fully. The path leads the first ‘true ending’, though I am going to make one ending from each path a true ending.

The path splits pretty far into the game though, so there is a lot of content prior to the split. There is some content after the split on the other paths, but depending on choices some end abruptly, and some of them are a lot longer or shorter than others, so it isn’t very consistent.


I am up to 32k words now. The story is pretty long now, and getting towards the end. Which the ending is getting pretty crazy. There are four major paths, it splits depending on if you want to become an AI or be seen as a person, and if you promote the idea everyone should be a sex doll, or have a more ‘reasonable’ view on things.


Still going strong with my goal this month. I only missed my daily goal a couple of times, but I easily made up for that on other days. So at the halfway point I am at roughly 28k words out of the 50k goal.

I think the daily length goal works pretty well. Since I am consistent to get the work done each day. Though I started working on the project at the last moment on a bit of a whim, so I wish I planned things a bit more before starting.


Working on the game and it is going really well. Doing like 2000 words a day, everyday, gets you a lot of progress! Since I have so much time left and got so far into it, I was actually thinking of branching the story into 4 major branches as it heads towards the ending.