The plan

So I was thinking about it and one of my problems I got some times is that I am thinking about a lot of things and my mind wanders. Because I want to do a lot of stuff but time is limited! Anyway even if I put doing something off until later some times I start thinking about it anyway and it is distracting. Also while I did set aside a day off to play games and do stuff I wanted, I was thinking it can still be distracting during the week if I only reward myself at the end of the week.

So I was thinking about this. What if I put in daily rewards? So I get my goal for the day, then I can immediately get rewarded and go do the other thing I wanted to do. Also I was thinking I might just schedule some of the stuff into the week to do regardless of anything else, just so I can get it out of my system and not get distracted. So something like, I got an hour to play games on Tuesday but if I finish my goal then I can play as much as I want later that day. Of course, when I am talking about distractions I don’t mean just things that are generally considered slacking off(such as playing games or watching movies hehe). There is also other things, like reading, writing for non-tf related stuff, checking the news and things like that, that can distracted by but are productive in their own ways(just not specifically productive for tfgames, though I would say improving my general writing helps that too).

So this week I am going to try that, though I wont post all the random rewards and stuff I plan on doing, since people probably don’t care too much about those things. I will just leave them in person copy of my schedule. As for games I just did a big update for kawaii so will work on some other stuff for a bit now. This week, I will go back to Old souls, then Magic girl contest. Actually, maybe I will do two weeks in of row of each, and try to make a lot of progress. I will start with Old Souls.

So this week my goal is to do the pregnancy stuff for Old souls. I am not entirely sure where I am going with that story yet so tomorrow I will organize everything and plan things out then release more concrete goals for each day.

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