Kawaii update!

If you ever seen a twine game in the twine engine, it is set up to look pretty organized and when I started that is how the theme park looked, all neat and organized but now it looks like a big blob of code and paths going all over the place.

Anyway, the theme park area is done and you can explore all over with your friends and do lots of stuff. It feels like a better version of what I did with the cosplay convention, with it being far more organized. I think I might still eventually go back and add more stuff, especially since most of the rides can only be ridden once. I want you to be able to ride them more than once but each time you would likely have a different reaction, so rewriting everything multiple times for each time you do it, is a bit much. At least on the first pass. There is a lot of stuff for the game I want to go over again and polish up, so riding things multiple times will probably happen then.

Anyway the game now goes up until you leave fairy kingdom.


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