
So I basically got my goal finished for this week for kawaii but I am not sure if I want to release an update for it. I got all the different locations for the theme park, but I feel like it is just visit them and then leave and it isn’t very exciting or ‘game like’. It is missing something. I think what it is missing is more choices and reactions.

Such as there is a roller coaster you can go on and it just describes what happens in the rollercoaster. Though I think it would be nicer if you can also decide how you react to it, so for example, if you scream like a little girl because it is scary/exciting. Also I just have the scene for the first time you go on a ride, but I feel like maybe if you really like something and go to see it more than once, there should be a special thing for that too. I have not gotten to add those extra stuff yet though, which is why I feel like that section of the game is a bit flat though. Which is why I am not sure if I want to release it now, or just wait until I add those extra things.

I was thinking it might not really hurt to just do the update anyway, but then if someone did play it, there wouldn’t be much to do but just go see all the stuff at once without the reactions and stuff and that might ruin it. This also gets to something I been wondering about for a while. A part of me wants to release an update every week when possible, just so there is constant updates and to keep things going. However, another part of me thinks that rushing things to get an update every week means the update are not as meaningful or impactful. There is obviously a large area between weekly updates and not updating for like 6 months or something. I sort of worry if I don’t get the constant updates out, then I might end up having big delays like that. Though realistically I have been a lot better keeping on track since I made daily posts here.

Anyway, I think I wont do the update this time. I do have all the background stuff for the theme park finished though. So the next thing is to just focus entirely on reactions from rides, or conversations with your friends and things like that, to really flesh out everything.

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