
I just did a little test writing for a mage game to see how it would go. I kind of like the story of it, but didn’t love the mechanics. I had stats for different kinds of magic but I am not sure it worked well. Maybe if you learn individual spells and stuff, that would be cool?

6 thoughts on “Hmm

  1. GhostlyBischopp

    Like Skyrim, maybe make it so that you have to get things certain levels, and doing those things will increase the level until you can upgrade? That’s my suggestion, or maybe you can add secret tasks in the story to find treasure or lewd armors or buffs? Also, I can send you some lewd versions of whatever races you are adding to the story.

  2. GhostlyBischopp

    OH MY GOD LILY I HAD AN IDEA WHEN I READ THE GATHERING RESOURCES FOR SPELLS LINE AND THE TRANSFORMATION ACCIDENT!!! What if you did a wandering alchemist/magic caster that has to travel abroad to gather lewd ingredients in order to cure a town of some rare transformative disease/ parasite that makes people become some sort of succubus or monster? I remember the Doll Pox game, but that was with a priest, and you never finished that game. So maybe you could merge that with your new game, and have the sex doll disease as one of the tfs?

    That way you could save some time, add more detail, and you have most of the game done? Also, one of the tfs could maybe be into that race I told you about, and one of the ingredients could be milk from one of the Draegeians? It could also be a good tf, to protect you from fire later on, but a cost could be increased sensitivity in your character’s chest and increased libido?

    Sorry. I just realized I’m just forcing a lot of ideas on you, and am probably not even helping out. I had some Whisvod shots earlier, and I’m kinda buzzed right now. But I thought I should maybe tell you that idea before my headache shatters it in the morning. (btw, before you ask, Whisvod is my own homebrewed whiskey infused vodka aged in apple barrels I get free from a friend of mine.)

    I also have a sh– ton of other ideas, but I don’t want to overload you, so email me if you want to know them. My personal email got suspended, so my alt is, and I hope I actually helped you for once.

    1. adminlily Post author

      I saved your email so I can mail you but I edited it out of the post so you don’t get spam by anyone random.

  3. GhostlyBischopp

    Lily, if you would also like to chat real time, I’m literally free Monday through Friday, from 9:00-4:00. I like to play music as I talk, so I’m on a site called I’m GGhost, and if you want to talk business or just have a friendly chat, just email mw and I’ll make a private room. It’ll be called, if that’ll help.


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