The plan

So this week I am working on magic girls, and I will be filling in the place holders from last time. Which is a lot of different relationship stuff and what not. So many of these scenes are going to be special scenes, so they wont be in the same format as the earlier ones where you could choose who to hangout on your time off. However, I was thinking of continuing that as well.

Originally I was thinking of making when the contest start the cutoff point, and if you didn’t go down some of those routes by then you would just miss out on them. Now I am thinking I wont just cut it off but modify it, so for example if you don’t meet the clone girls at all prior to the contest, their path will just fall off because it is too late to meet them. And if you don’t process a path far enough to do sexy stuff with a girl by the contest, maybe you will go down a path where you can only be friends but no romance.

I am also going to try something new this week. I have the overall goal to fill in the gaps for all the place holder scenes this week and release the update Saturday but I am just going to leave it at that. Instead of the daily goals I am going to try a time based one. I tried it a bit earlier today, I set my phone for an hour alarm and I just focused on writing until it went off. I am going to try that, and I am going to set my goal for 3 hours everyday this week.

I am pretty sure I can do more than 3 hours of writing each day, and I probably will on some days but that will be my minimum goal. The idea being that even on an unmotivated and unproductive day I can at least get that 3 hours in. On days I am feeling motivated and focused, will probably do a lot more but those days are not the problem. My problem are my slow unmotivated days. Which is why I want to focus on that weakness and make sure I am doing something even on those bad days, so I can get more consistent results day to day. I will probably add the daily goals back in as well. If this works, then it will be daily goal with a minimum time each day. I just want to this this out by itself first to see how it works out however.

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