
So I was thinking about trying a few different things. First is that I will release games on Saturday instead of Friday. That gives me an extra day to work on games and usually Saturday is a better day for me to work, with less distractions as well. I was also thinking of putting daily deadlines at a set time, so that it motivates me to work earlier in the day and not put things off. Since putting them off makes me less motivated when I do get around to working on it. Of course I will still work on things later in the day, I am just making it my goal to get the important stuff done earlier. Then later I can work on side projects, or continue working on the main projects.

I am going to test this out this week to see how it goes and I am going to test it out with the new game I was working on, that I mentioned before. The one with the kinky girl that keeps getting herself randomly transformed into a bunch of stuff. It is basically just a bunch of transformations and doesn’t have a major overall story, so it should be easy to complete. So it will just be the one week, then release it as it is and be done with it. So for this weeks goal:

Tuesday: Finish cow scene, tg scene(from a girl to guy back to a girl again), and demon scene
Wednesday: Finish dog scene, werewolf scene, and goat scene
Thrusday: Flesh out any of the smaller scenes, so all transformation scenes has at least 2 choices(not including choices to flee the scene).
Friday: Add in two more ending scenes
Saturday: Organize everything.

Currently I do have the game sort of organized but it follows the pattern of go to x transformation scene, get a couple of choices, then go to the next one. I want to organize it a bit more so that isn’t so linear. That might just be giving the players options which order they want to go to scenes in, or giving them a few options and they can explore the one they like instead of doing them all in a row. So that is the sort of organization I want to do on Saturday.

Also everything will have a deadline for 5pm pst that day. That will be my goal.

For monthly goals, I will do this:

May 1st: Transformation Freak release 100% complete
May 8th: Kawaii Update
May 15th: Magic Girl Contest update
May 22nd: Into the Dungeon. This will be the last update for this to flesh out some endings and what not. Then I will say it is complete and it is going off my update schedule.
May 29th: Old Soul update

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