
The turn is now up and all emails sent. Just as a remind if you are one of the people using Microsoft related emails(hotmail ect) and I am sending you your turn from my hotmail address, please still turn in your turn actions to my normal email address and not that one.

Also, for people sending in questions please don’t just hit reply and put in a question. Make a new topic and name it something like “Questions!” Don’t put demonic evolution in the title at all, since that makes it more likely to blend in with all the other emails. I only use that email for this game, so I know everything is related to the game automatically. If it is really important or time sensitive feel free to be obnoxious and make the title “!!!QUESTION!!!” Or something.

Also, make sure any emails to me include your characters name, since that makes it a lot easier for looking stuff up if I need to check things.

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