Happy Holidays!

So it is the 1st and now I am back from my holiday break. I still plan on running a new demonic evolution game, which I will probably start in a couple of week. I didn’t work much on the rules during my break, but now I have time to really hammer out the bugs and stuff before starting the next game.

I still have not entirely finished my Christmas game yet, since I was slacking off too much during my break. Though I will finish it before I start the next Demonic evolution game. Even if I don’t finish it, I will post it, since there is more than enough content for people to play through. If people can leave their Christmas lights out until march, then should be okay to post a Christmas game a little late hehe.

As for what kept me distracted, it is the normal Christmas stuff but anyone who knows me, also knows I am a sucker for all the sales on games and I got a ton of them. A lot of really fun games.

The first game I got was Jade Empire, which was free, and is still free on Origins right now. It is a bit older game but has the same feel of like KOTOR, but in it’s own unique setting. It is a bit older game but if you missed playing it, now is a good chance to get it while it is free. More recently I also got Sunrider which is also free on steam. Totally different kind of game, but still pretty fun. I would definitely pay for Jade Empire, but I am not sure I would pay for Sunrider, but for free Sunrider is definitely worth checking out. It is a visual novel with some tactical strategy game stuff. The strategy stuff isn’t just tacted on in like some games either, because it is actually very difficult.

I also got Transistor while it was on sale, and that is a really fun game. It has a similar feel of Bastion but has its own unique game play. I also got Shadowrun: Hong Kong, which is a great game. It was fun enough that I got distracted from the other games I played until I beat it.

I also got 80 days, which I got like first, very early in the month. It is pretty fun but more of a casual game that you can play a short game of then come back later. If I had got it at the same time as all these other games, I probably wouldn’t have had time to play it, but since I only had it I got through it like three times and it was pretty fun. A similar exploring concept but like 100 times more addicting is Renowned Explorers, which I also got.

I also got Talos Principle, which is a pretty fun puzzle game. I don’t usually play puzzle games, but it was cheap and turned out to be a pretty fun one. I will definitely go back and play some more in the future, since I have not finished it yet, getting distracted with those other games.

Finally I also got Oni of the Blind forest, but I barely had a chance to play it at all yet so can’t comment much on it. Also, hardly even worth mentioning, I got Organ Trail. It is a really short game that I beat on my first play through. I never bothered a second play through, since it was too easy. It is a pretty fun game, there just isn’t much meat to it.

Any way, I had a fun Christmas, and I did work on some games during my break and had some ideas for future ones. Just wanted to let everyone know I was back though, and will be focusing on getting the demonic evolution game going again soon, and will have the slightly late Christmas game for you later.

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