Short delay

I was going to finish up the game today and post it but got some really bummer news that makes me really not feel like working on the game at the moment. It wasn’t anything actually serious, but I put a ton of work into this character for an table top style rpg game online, and it was a really cool character and played it a couple of times, but then had to quit playing it because apparently some other players were complaining she was like too over the top(it wasn’t d&d but she was like the bard type character, so is supposed to be flamboyant and stuff).

Anyway I was super excited to play the character but now I can’t and that sucked up all my motivation.

5 thoughts on “Short delay

  1. enmesarra

    As a designer of rpgs and old GM, I’m sorry to hear this. I know how much a character can mean and to have it dismissed is unfair. Hope things work out.

  2. GhostlyBischopp

    Yeah, I feel the same way. I was banned from online PvP matches on Star Wars Battlefront 2 because I was too good at the Star Fighter Free for All setting, and so many people complained because I was shooting them before they could even lock on to kill me. I was like, really? It’s just a stupid game, and the point isn’t to win, it’s to have fun. And now people are trying to get me banned from the Trooper Battles because I’m too good of a sniper with a specific gun as an officer.

  3. GhostlyBischopp

    Also, I’m at home with a broken jaw because I tripped over a suitcase in the airport coming home from vacation. So, I’m gonna be playing a lot of and, and maybe some Star Wars Battlefront 2 online matches. The only reason I can still do the Trooper Battles is because I had to promise not to us the Heavy Tropper because I would just go crazy with the heavy sentry gun. For example: in one free for all match I got a kill streak of 121 with just that one weapon.

  4. GhostlyBischopp

    Sorry, that last comment was unneccessary. The painkillers affect me strangely. Medicine has always done that to me. In the Army I got shot in the leg (the bullet passed through my calf cleanly, and all I have is a hardly noticeable limp,) and the medic that did my physical when I was discharged said that the whole time I was on meds I kept muttering something about a she-demon that was waiting for me to fall asleep so that she could devour my soul. I actually vaguely remember it.
    So long story short, I’m sorry for talking so much. I just like sharing with everyone too much. Just never with the she-demon ;D


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