
So here are my plans for this month. I want to finish two games this month. The goblin one I was going to do for Christmas but turned out a bit dark, and another game I been working on. The second game is one I wrote the opening couple of scenes for a long time ago but I could never figure out where to take it but I was playing around with it a bit and found something that might work.

I will do some light prep ahead of time but I will start working on Friday,, which gives exactly 4 weeks to work in the month. I plan on working on the goblin game for a week, then the other game for a week, then finish the goblin one, then finish the other. I am going to try switching back and forth like that, to keep things a bit fresh.

I will release an update on Friday each week, so you can see where I am at. It probably won’t be finished on the first update, but it should have a decent amount of content at least. I release it even if it isn’t in a good spot though, so might end in weird locations, or maybe not, we will see.

As for the contest on tfgamesite, the voting is still going on it seems? It seems like it should be over by now, so I am not sure what happened. I am wondering if I should page the person who was running it, to see if things are okay.

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