
I put up the game, but it is still pretty rough. Most of the stuff take place if you ‘just hang out’ when you go to the party, and say you are interested in Mitch, though you also need to fail the check to notice what he does.

I plan to have a much more playable version finished this next weekend. Hopefully I will get everything all sorted out by then. Then the last week will be fleshing out all the paths, and fixing the bugs and stuff. Though if you want to see the early version here it is.

3 thoughts on “So

  1. Hatha

    Some notes after my brief playthrough;

    Mitch, the secondest hottest jock at school.

    —“Secondest” is funny if intentional, but if it’s not, you might want to go with “second.”

    Wait Lincoln Park? Isn’t that were all those teens were killed last year? They say there is (there’s, there’re, there are) monsters in (that/the) forest!”

    —-Given that it’s monsters, plural, it’s probably more accurate to say “there are” but in the interest of having natural sounding dialogue I think “there’s” or “there’re” might come across better.

    What? No way. That is (“that’s” sounds more natural to me) just a myth, I (I’ve) never seen anything scary there.”

    —“I never seen anything scary there” sounds awkward, “I have never” would be formally correct, “I’ve never seen” would sound more conversational.

    Error: cannot find a closing tag for macro <>

    —That’s basically where the play-through ends. I guess a coding typo. So I can’t really go any further. But I’m very interested in where this goes, and I’m happy to help out with editing if it’s useful to you.

  2. Layton

    Given you need to fail the Perception check for Mitch spiking your drink to progress could you please look at somehow setting it up so that the player can actually get the scene, since as it stands 2 of the 3 possible options for Lisa have the skill while 1 of the 3 for Candy has it and you can never fail a check if you have the Skill.

    Also either using the back arrow and reselcting an option doesn’t refresh the dice roll, the roll is bugged or I have extremely good luck?

    I used the Model option for Candy and had to reload 4 times before I failed the roll to notice Mitch spiking the drink when I only have a 1/3 chance of spotting it in the first place.
    When I outright restarted the game I got it instantly.


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