
So working on the main entrance to the theme part in Kawaii today. Also I decided to work on the phone app for the park too, so you can check it for more information about where stuff is but also what it is. As I am doing that I am wondering how strict of a timer I should put on the area. I want to have some sort of time limit I think, though not sure how strict. Should I give enough time for you to explore a lot, or should I make it so there is no way you can do everything then you have to make tougher choices on where to go? And if you wander around aimlessly you waste more time and can’t do as much stuff.

That is sort of realistic, if you go to a real theme park, feeling like you want to see everything but you can’t because there is so much. It also make more choices and give them more impact since you can’t do everything.

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