
I been waiting for a new contest on the tfgamesite for like over a year, and they been promising to do one but never did. Well finally they started a new contest! It is a storybook theme and of course I am going to make a game for it. It needs to be based on a fantasy type classic story, so I need to think of a story to base the game off of. I am trying to think if I should go for a really well known and popular story, so people will be able to recognize it and be interested in it. Or should I just do something very unexpected and surprise everyone.

6 thoughts on “Contest

  1. demosen

    Why not go for an obscure one like The Blue Belt? It’s got a series of challenges so would be easy to work into a game.

  2. M

    Hi, I love your writing, it is such a fun way to tell these stories and you do it so well! I am always a fan of being surprised, but I also thought a book where each time you read a chapter from a different story you change to be like the story or something. I am sure no matter what you will blow us all away!

  3. Cryostorm15

    Could do 1,000 Arabian Nights or The Odyssey, that would be both relatively well known and different.

    1. adminlily Post author

      Actually I was thinking of doing Arabian nights, since I had a good idea for it. I did consider the Odyssey too, though the idea for Arabian nights seemed more excited.

      1. Enmesarra

        If I’m not mistaken, there’s several transformations in The Thousand and One Nights… both out of justice and maliciousness. Definitely something worth exploring.

  4. Izelith

    My vote is for little red ridding hood. It’s a classic, it’s easy to turn into porn, and I really like how you describe wolf’s and there dominant sexual behaviors. <3


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