
So seems like it was a good choice to just delay things a day, since already I got a lot more done today than I would have yesterday even if I stayed up all night working. I do think I have a lot more focus in the morning, so I started a bit earlier today and go through some of the stuff I was having trouble with.

I have not finished the optional scenes yet today but I the basics for them done. Still considering what else to do with them as they are a bit short though. However, I jumped ahead a bit and was working on the relationship stuff a bit earlier and even did one sex scene. That scenes involves the guy you meet at the hot springs(if you end up a bit slutty) and you can run into him again. I was also thinking of having Sophia’s brother show up during the festival, so you can have a scene with him too.

I was also considering scenes with Sophia and Emma to move those relationship further but then I was thinking there probably hasn’t been enough set up for a romantic scene during the festival. So I might need to add some stuff a bit earlier into the game where you start a path with them. Maybe something at the hot spring since that is a time when you see them naked. I will give that some thought.

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