
So I was working on doing the scenes to visit the temples and shrines today for Kawaii, but then I wasn’t really sure what to write. Like your group just goes around and explores them a bit but nothing super exciting is going on there. Well originally when I was doing the part of the game where you plan out your daily activities, I was just throwing out random stuff I thought would make sense in a game about visiting Japan. Though I wasn’t entirely thinking about what places would be best for the story. Which is how I got visiting the temples and shrines, which is a common thing people do when visiting Japan. Though it isn’t necessarily a girly or cute environment, nor are temples a place that you are going to actively do stuff in.

So in the options you pick to visit, there is the spooky haunted shrine. Now in that shrine, it has the haunted element to it, which adds more to the scenes and gives more context for things the player can do and how to interact with others. Just saying the characters are visiting a temple though doesn’t really give that though.

Anyway, I feel like I didn’t really plan this out as well as I could have, so it left me a little stumped on how to write out the scenes of exploring the temples and shrines around the town.

One thought on “Hmm

  1. Rushica

    Perhaps the shrine scene can have an interaction or meeting that helps determine if the player changes back at the end or alters them in some way mentally and/or physically? Just to throw something out there. Would make since. There are a lot of gods and spirits in Japanese culture.


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