Hot Springs

Working on the hot spring scenes and trying not to get distracted in to writing about random sex stuff. The naked people all around is kind of tempting me to go that way!

Anyway, I am basically done with the first day of the trip. Though it is kind of a short day since you are just kind of chilling and relaxing. I did get an idea though, to make this the turning point where you decide if your character is into guys or girls. Well really, the character is probably originally only into girls and your girl form is probably only into guys but since you are both at once, you can freely swap back and forth and that is how the game has been up until now.

However I went back and starting adding points any time you show interest in guys, and subtracting points any time you show interest in girls or actively refute interest in a guy. So that is the turning point where the game determines which you are interested in. If you have enough points then you basically just go along with your girl side and no longer find girls attractive but find guys to be. Currently if you don’t have enough points, or have negative points then you just remain as you are. Since your true personality is already attracted to girls, nothing really changes if you still like girls, you just limit the girl influence. Meaning you are not locked in to only being into girls if you go that path and maybe you will still become more attune to your girl side later.

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