The plan

So I remember why I stopped working on into the dungeon now. I had tried to reorganize the game before to deal with the laggy issue and some how a bunch of the scenes got deleted. I tried looking for an original backup of it but I can’t find it. So basically those scenes are just gone(at least in an easily usable format). I think originally what I tried to do was convert the old html file to a twine file but the thing that converts it, converts it to twine 2. Which would be fine, but I am pretty sure I added a bunch of a new scenes that weren’t in the original html file as well. So I have the reorganized twine files with the newest stuff but a ton of missing scenes, and the old html file without the new stuff, and it was a pain in the butt to deal with.

Which really sucks, because twine 2 fixes the lagging problem. So had I just converted to twine 2 in the first place, I wouldn’t have lost any of the passages and could of just continued on with no problem. Anyway, I will probably convert the html to twine 2 then manually add all the new scenes and hopefully it will work out.

Tuesday: Unfuck the game and test everything to make it works and I am not missing anything
Wednesday: Finish everything in the demon city, demon castle and the side path of returning to your home.
Thrusday: Recheck all the paths and make sure I didn’t miss any and do more testing.
Friday: Release the update.

2 thoughts on “The plan

  1. Neorotoxin

    I don’t know if it can help in any fashion, but i have a copy of Into the Dungeon dated 7/24/2018, would that contain any of the missing information?

    1. adminlily Post author

      I don’t think so, I don’t think I ever posted the updated stuff, so no one would have it. The file I have is like 5-6 months after the date tfgamesite says I posted the game, so maybe it has some of the stuff. Probably not most of it though. Anyway I just got to power through it and copy and paste of ton of stuff. It will be boring and tedious but I should be able to finish that in one day.


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