

Okay, since I been doing really well in posting every single day, I thought it is time to kick things up a notch! I am going to make a weekly schedule for what I am going to do every week and what I will post with every day. I am hoping this not only improves my writing and game making but also improves me as a person. So here goes!

Monday: Planning Day

From now on, I will make Monday my planning/evaluation day. Each monday I will evalute where I am, and where I want to go, set goals for that week and also fix things in my schedule if they are not working or need adjustments. I will then post my plan for that week so everyone knows what I am going to be doing. Also if I have any website related stuff to work on, I will work it in to Monday.

Tuesday: Getting into it

So planning and organizing all my work Monday, means Tuesday is the day to really get into the work. I know I need to really focus here because I suffer from procrastination often. So Tuesday is the most important day to get started on the right foot. On Tuesday I will make a post on what I am currently working on to try to hold me accountable. If I don’t work then I will have nothing to post and it will be a bit embarrassing.

Wednesday: Working Hard

Okay, so Wednesday is another pure working day and hopefully I can just keep a good pace going. I will make another post on what I been doing that day, so if I am slacking I wont have anything to post again, so it will be super embarrassing two days in a row!

Thursday: Crunch Day

Okay, so I am going to make my weekly deadlines on Friday which means the do or die time is Thrusday! Keep in mind, I want to make this a life long schedule to help with my life, so I want to be able to do these things every day, every week, going on forever. Having a busy week is no excuse for not working on games anymore! I will allow myself to change the workload on Mondays, so if I do have a super busy week or something coming up I can make a more moderate goal but once a goal is set I want to strive to reach it no matter what. Thrusday is the day to be motivated and say to myself, “You can do it, go!”

Friday: The Deadline

Lets be honest here, Friday might actually turn out to be crunch day for me since I am kind of a procrastinator. Though this is the day the deadline will be set for. I will strive to finish the work no matter what and then I will post the final outcome for the week! Today is the day for accountability, did I make it or not?

Saturday: Catching up or free work day

So the Deadline has come and gone on Friday and I either succeed or failed. Hopefully if I did fail I was just being overly ambitious and not slacking. Either way if I fail then on Saturday I will work on whatever I missed. Also if I technically reach the goal but did it a bit sloppy, then this is the day I can go back and edit and revise some stuff. If successful then I will do off schedule work. This could just be creative writing stuff for fun, or working on random games outside my main project. I do like to make random stuff some times and it distracts me a lot from my main projects. So having a day where I can just do whatever is good for me. This isn’t a slack day, as I should still be working on something. It is just what I work on can be anything, and I will post what I am up to or about any side projects I am working on. During the week if I do come up with sudden sparks that give me great ideas I am going to commit to writing them and leaving them until Saturday. So instead of resisting the urge to do random projects, I am organizing it by putting it off to here.

Sunday: Reward Day!

Okay I have several sticks in there in the form of making embarrassing posts about not doing stuff, if I fail to stick to my schedule, so of course I need a carrot too. Sunday is my reward day. If I accomplish all my goals then Sunday will be guilt free gaming day. To be honest I will probably slip in some gaming time throughout the week but only after finishing my work each day! However, on Sunday if I spend the entire day playing games then there is no guilt. I am free to waste the day however I want as it is a reward! I will then post about whatever games I happen to be playing at the time as well. I actually have 100’s of games on steam and dozens of games in my backlog of things I want to play/finish. So I definitely can game all day long every week if I allow myself, but that is only if I accomplish my goals for the week! If I don’t meet the Friday deadline then no guilt free gaming day, even if I catch up on Saturday. If I don’t meet the deadline even after the Saturday extension, then I will be working all Sunday to do it. If I do make the deadline late and finish it Saturday, then I get to play games all Sunday but I have evaluate what went wrong and how to improve things going forward and then post that on the website. And only after that will I be free to do other stuff.

So there you go, that is my new plan! It makes things a lot more organized than what I am used to, since I am kind of a chaotic person but I don’t feel it is an unreasonable level of organization. The key will be on Mondays, on picking goals that will work out. Anyway, since today is Monday, lets get into my weekly schedule for this week, the week of February 22nd, 2021.

I am currently working on Kawaii, the game where you turn into a girl and go on vacation to explore girly and cute things! So last week I wanted to finish Day 4 of the game and I mostly did that. If it was under this current system it would likely be a failure but my goal wasn’t entirely clear. So I am going to fix it this week. So as it stands, you go to a cosplaying convention and you are free to explore around and do whatever and a lot of that is done but there is some areas that are a bit lacking. So here are my weekly goals:

  1. The random stuff you can do at the convention needs to be polished up and some the coding done. The writing is mostly finished but you can’t really play through the entire day. So I need to get all that working.
  2. The highlight of the convention is a costume contest at the end. I don’t have that part finished. Plus while working I came up with some extra stuff to tack on after the convention back at home. That isn’t really part of the main day, but I am grouping it as part of Day 4 for organizations since it is still on the same day. Both of those things need to be finished.
  3. There is a few really small branches on day 3 I didn’t finish. So I need to finish that.
  4. Day 5 is split up into two parts. The first half of the day is a preset location one of your friends wanted to go to so you are visiting it. The second part is a location that you got to pick. So I am going to need to organize and set up the first half of the day.
  5. Then I need to finish the first half of Day 5.

Since this is a brand new schedule and I am not used to it I was considering making 5 a bonus objective. Though thinking about it, I can’t give myself that sort of leeway from the start! I feel like trying to completely finish the first half of Day 5 is biting off a bit much, but I know I can do it if I don’t slack earlier in the work, so I am going to go for it! To help me go forward and stay on task I am going to set a soft goal for each day. I don’t have to meet these goals but if I don’t it is just making more work for myself later.

Tuesday: Have goal 1 and 2 100% complete.
Wednesday: Have goal 3 and 4 100% complete.
Thursday: Be able to play the game from start up to the end of the first half of day 5.
Friday: 100% complete goal 5 and hopefully complete everything.

There we go. That actually took like 2-3 hours write up, though I hope it is worth it. I am also going to try posting earlier in the day. Probably not this early, but I want to get more work done earlier in the day if I can. I am definitely a night person, though I am not sure working late into the night is the most productive time to be doing the work. Also working earlier helps me fight off the procrastination mindset.

Lastly, I am going to reconfirm what my goal is. I made the site because I want to be able to make games full time, not just one game but lots of games. I feel like I actually have made a lot of games, but it is in a sort of haphazard manner. I don’t consistently release new updates every week or anything and that limits me from reaching my full potential. At my full potential I would like to be able to produce a game like Into the dungeon(and have it 100% complete) within a few months. Imagine if I could release 3 100% complete, Into the dungeon sized games each year. I know I can do that level of work at my peak but sustaining peak performance everyday of the year over the long term is hard for me. That is why I am developing this new schedule to help me get there.

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