A bit behind

I am a bit behind on my plans, because when I moved I ended up moving a lot closer to my sister and some how I got roped into baby sitting for my niece and nephew a bunch, while they are on summer vacation. She and her husband work all day(when they are usually in school), so they need the help.

I also realize that my schedule is a huge mess right now, so I created a weekly schedule, of everything I got to do in my life, including time for working on games. I am going to try sticking to my schedule from now on, so hopefully I can ensure that everything that needs to get done gets done, and can avoid getting distracted by random stuff. I feel like I have not been getting much done lately, and there always some excuse for that, though hopefully I can get rid of all those excuses and get everything fixed with a schedule.

I got 15 hours of working on games this week scheduled. Half for into the dungeon and half for all girls are sluts, with two hours swing time to work on either one or one of the smaller games. I honestly don’t pay attention too much on how much time I am spending on working on games either, so this will give me a better idea of how much game content gets produced per hour of work. That way I can also get a better idea for planning stuff. So I am not going to promise an update this week but I will promise 15 hours of work on the games this week! That is guaranteed!

On a side note, I also stuck more time to work out because I am very bad at exercising, some time every day to study Japanese which I been wanting to learn, and some time to work on my novel I wrote during the November writing month thing(which is still in a very rough draft). Got all that to fit, even with the babysitting stuff(which takes a surprising large chunk of my time until summer is over).

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