Monthly Archives: May 2024


So being super productive and spending a few hours everyday is kind of hard. Though I have had a lot of luck, with doing lots of small things, everyday. It is getting a habit of writing for hours everyday that is harder, and that does work but after a week or two I feel a lot of resistance.


I can’t like focus at all today. I feel like I might just take the rest of the day off from doing anything, since I can’t really get anything done anyway. Though maybe I will work on random game ideas.


I wonder if we should just call it summer now, even though it technically isn’t? Global warming has shifted summer earlier it seems. It is hot here, though I heard there is a super heat wave in southeast Asia at the moment.


I might just leave the RAGS stuff up since people like them. Though I do need to go back through and check all the links at some point.

Old stuff

Speaking of old stuff, I still use the older version of twine for most of the games. I don’t know why the newer version of twine bothers me, but I like the older one better. Though I have used the newer one(twine 2) for several games. The biggest thing in it’s favor is that it is easier to load old games into it, so I used it for some games that were broken or if you lose the main file you can import a game directly into it, to open in the editor. So it works really well if things go wrong, but otherwise I don’t like it as much.


The old RAGS games I made were from 10-12 years ago, that is why I don’t really have copies of them anymore. Some of them are pretty good I think, but technology advances and time goes on! Since RAGS used to charge you money to use, I stopped paying for it and then didn’t touch it any longer. So I have not even opened the RAGS editor in over 10 years.

Old Games

I wonder if I should remove all the old RAGS games. Most of them are hosted on random websites that are not that reliable, and RAGS itself is needed to play them, which is harder to get these days and not supported anymore. I also don’t use RAGS anymore either, so they are not going to get updated or anything.


I kind of want to do a short game, just to get something updated quickly, since it feels like it has been a while. Though I still want to do a bigger release for a game later.


It isn’t as bad as it was the other day, but I ordered some eyedrops to help with allergies, since my eyes been really itchy. I don’t really like eyedrops that much, because I have like a very strong reaction to anything even remotely near my open eye. So it is hard to use them, but allergies seem really bad this year.