Monthly Archives: June 2021


So we got a new federal Holiday, Juneteenth! To be honest, I never really heard much about it before until fairly recently. Though that might make sense since apparently it was more of a regional holiday and where I live no one ever celebrated it.

Anyway, I am going to delay the update for Kawaii until tomorrow, just so I can get it a bit more organized and stuff. I actually thought I might finished it today after all since I made a lot of progress this morning but now there is stuff going on tonight that is going to be distracting.


I might delay the update for kawaii a bit, since right now it is kind of a mess. I am still a bit behind where I wanted to be, but also it was a pretty big area with lots of stuff and I want to make it interesting as well. I am also not sure how I want to organize the time management aspect of it. I will see what I can do tomorrow, but I am thinking it will likely be delayed.


I barely got any work done today, so a little bit behind on my schedule. I am not even really sure what I have done today, seems like just random stuff distracted me so much that before I noticed most of the day has gone by! It wasn’t any one thing, just little things. Going to have to work really hard tomorrow to catch up.


There is another heat wave again this week. Last week wasn’t too bad, but this week is even hotter than it was the weak before that. I guess with global warming, more heat waves will be common more often. I don’t think it got quite that hot right where I am living but the high was listed at 119 in some area near me today.


So working on the main entrance to the theme part in Kawaii today. Also I decided to work on the phone app for the park too, so you can check it for more information about where stuff is but also what it is. As I am doing that I am wondering how strict of a timer I should put on the area. I want to have some sort of time limit I think, though not sure how strict. Should I give enough time for you to explore a lot, or should I make it so there is no way you can do everything then you have to make tougher choices on where to go? And if you wander around aimlessly you waste more time and can’t do as much stuff.

That is sort of realistic, if you go to a real theme park, feeling like you want to see everything but you can’t because there is so much. It also make more choices and give them more impact since you can’t do everything.


So I think I will split up the work this week by area. In the fairy theme park in kawaii I have three areas. A river area, a forest area, a castle area and the main entrance. So I think working on each area for a day might work, then one day to work on getting it all working together. So:

Tuesday: Finish entrance area.

Wednesday: Finish River area

Thursday: Castle area

Friday: Forest area

Saturday: Get it all done and release the update.

On a side note, the amount of spam seems a bit less, since I banned a few words. I don’t think anyone will ever use the word cbd so I banned that, though I also banned the world blog, since a lot of spam says blog. Someone might innocent use that word though, so I am not sure. I think it might be fine though.


Lately I been feeling like I need a vacation, and have some time off. Though I got lots of stuff I need to get done. Maybe after I get all of my unfinished games done, I will take some time off. Still got a lot to do before then though!

Today’s post is a bit late, since I lost track of time. I was taking a break so I played a game I got a while ago, called Chinese Parents and I forgot how addicting it was and ended up playing it way longer than I was planning. It is a raising simulator game, but with your parents always complaining you need to study more.


So no update this week, since I was just doing the setup for next week in kawaii. I got a pretty good set up to get things working for the theme park next week in kawaii. I kind of wonder if I should have all the places be different based on the time of the day, but that might be a ton of work.

Late post

Posting late tonight because I got distracted by a bunch of stuff. I was working on the games earlier today, and got a decent amount done but instead of posting when I was done I got into other stuff and then got distracted by that. So it wasn’t so much I got completely distracted and no work got done but I worked on stuff much earlier left to do other stuff and didn’t come back for a long time.

Theme park

Working on the theme park for Kawaii makes me think of the game planet coaster, where you can make your own theme park. I have that game, though have not played it in a while. It is a kind of fun game though, if you are into the building type games.