Monthly Archives: May 2021


So I was thinking of my daily schedule and I was wondering if it would work well if I set a time limit of how much I had to work on a game in a given day, instead of just a goal. Or maybe both, like “Do this scene and spend at least x hours writing.” I would probably keep the mandatory hours fairly low, just as a starting point. Since I would likely keep on writing after I get started, or may work on other projects after I finish the main daily goal for the day. So it wouldn’t be the total time working in any given day, just specific time spent with absolute focus on that one specific project. If I set a timer for that, then I ensure I actually get at least that much done and if there are any distractions I would pause the time and then start it again when I get rid of the distraction.

That might keep me from getting distracted on side stuff, with the feeling I can finish the work later. I might try that next week to see how it goes.


Kawaii new update is up! I kind of wonder if I should be updating these games every week as I am not sure a week worth of content is enough that many people would want to play each update. Though mainly I am doing it just to keep active and so people see there are constant updates, because if you leave things too long, then you just don’t end up getting anything finished.

Well in the aspect of keeping active it definitely works. The first half of the game took like a year to do and the second half has taken only a couple of months and that is while also doing updates for a bunch of other games as well.

Anyway, this update covers the aquarium and a street market. Except for the final area, I can now say I got the entire framework of the game and all the locations you visit along the way done. So once I finish the last area, I can go back in and add in more side encounters and interesting events at each of the different locations. Including a lot more romance options as well.


I feel like a lot of my motivation is a bit down doing Kawaii, and I wonder if it is because I added a bit too many different areas to explore. They are fun and interesting areas, but since there is a lot of them and not all of them really advance things much story wise, it makes it feel a bit slow. At least to me writing them. Long term I don’t think that is an issue since I plan on going back and fleshing out the different areas with more relationship and more interactions with other characters and what not. Though in a mean time it is hard to get motivation some times.

That said, the next area coming up is the amusement park. The last few updates had basically two days done each week since they were smaller areas, but the amusement park I want to make really big since that is the climax of the game. The second day is also when you will have a big date with whoever you get into a relationship with, having the entire day to spend with them. So I may spend two weeks on just the first day for that one.


I got my second covid shot today(since they had cancel the one shot version back when I was getting the first shot). I don’t really go any where, so getting the shot might not benefit me too much but it is nice knowing I have that extra layer of protection. Now hopefully it doesn’t mutate in a way that everyone has to get shots all over again next year(like the yearly flu). That would suck.


I am a bit slow on getting stuff done today. Rather than having a harder deadline today with tomorrow off giving me more motivation it does kind of make me have less, since I feel like I can just finish everything tomorrow on the day off. I suppose as long as I get everything done by tomorrow, it would still work out, since the goal is to have the first half of the week completely done and none of the work to run into the second half of the week. Though obviously that would be less than optimal from the organization standpoint. It also makes me think the goals are still a bit on the easy side, because if they were really hard goals, I would worry more about finishing quickly and be pressured to get it all done faster.

Well that is why I am trying different approaches to things, to see which ones work the best for me. I might just drop the day off in middle of the week approach. Then again, maybe it is the reward that is the issue. Having a day off doesn’t seem like a reward, if I can slack and take time off on a different day. And having to finish all the work on that day off doesn’t seem like much of a punishment either, since I don’t mind doing the work all on one day. I will have to think about that some more.

Plan update

So no major changes to my schedule from yesterday. Though I think I will spend a bit more time on the aquarium rather than the optional areas, since they were just snack places so will probably be fairly short. So a day and half on aquarium then half day on the snack areas. It will be:

Tuesday: Work on Aquarium
Wednesday: Finish aquarium and do the three optional snack areas.
Thrusday: Day off/catch up.
Friday: Market
Saturday: Relationship stuff, get everything do so can release the next update.

The Plan

So I was thinking of making two big changes to how I do the weekly schedule. The first is that I am thinking of making Thursday a day off. Before Saturday was kind of a day off but then I got rid of it, so I am thinking replace that with Thursday. The first reason for that, is because it creates a hard deadline. The daily deadlines feel a bit soft and I some times think, ‘you know if I get behind a little today I can just catch up tomorrow, so no big deal.’ I don’t want that sort of situation though, so if I make it is a hard deadline, I have to have the first half of the week all done by Wednesday night, and second half all done by Saturday, then that feels like a much firmer deadline. Secondly that adds another carrot and stick. If I do fall behind then I have to use that day off to catch up on everything, and if I am all caught up then I get it off.

The second thing I was thinking of changing is my weekly planning. So having Monday to reflect and plan things is really important to help fine tune things and continue to make progress. Usually that doesn’t take the entire day, so after reviewing all the stuff and announcing what I am doing, I usually spend some time working on my project for the week to get ahead a bit. So if there is some issues, that is usually when I notice them. So I was thinking is might be better to post my initial plans and objective on Monday like normal, but then post the specific daily goals on Tuesday, so I will have had a chance to tinker around and look things over before making those goals.

So with that in mind, this week I am looking at doing the next two days in Kawaii. My first thoughts are aquarium Tuesday, the optional areas Wednesday, which means the first day will have a deadline by Thursday. Then the market on Friday, and Saturday can add in any relationship or side stuff not related to specifically exploring those areas. However, this week I am going to wait until tomorrow to set the specific details.


Was working on the contest game for the tfgamesite a bit today. Which is supposed to be based off an old story. What I was thinking of going with is One Thousand and One Nights. Specifically I am not using any of the actual stories from it, except for the framing story, in which you are a guy turned into a girl and you are trying to avoid having sex with the king by distracting him with stories.

I decided I would make up all the other stories that you tell and as you tell the stories you will influence their themes and the themes you use will influence the ending you get.

New Game!

So I didn’t end up doing all the stuff I put in my goals for the week, because I just wasn’t feeling some of the scenes. Though I made sure if there was any scene I was supposed to add but didn’t, I substituted another scene in it’s place, so it would still have a decent amount of content.

The game is still on the short side though and the game elements are still pretty simple. Really it is just an excuse for a lot of random sexy transformation scenes. It is a game I worked on my free time though and just spent a week on really seriously getting it done, so it didn’t take a lot of time to create. So if people like those sort of games, can make them fairly easy.
