Monthly Archives: March 2021

The plan

So reflecting on my schedule, I think having detailed goals each week really does help. So far I released two games and got a big update on another. Anyway, time to get to magical girl contest! The first thing I will need to do is reorganized things and refamiliarize myself with what I was doing. I am not sure if I want to convert the game to twine 2 like I did with into the dungeon. That would let me keep everything in one big file and is sort of easier to organize. However, I think twine 1 is actually better than twine 2.

Anyway, I need to finish the stats and custom magic so can finally get to the first major magical contest. I don’t recall exactly what I was planning for the big contest, but from what I remember I think I was planning it out to be like a two day event with like a tournament style. Though it might also be a few set battles where you get points based on how well you do as well. I will have to think about it, but I am thinking maybe two fights on each day of the contest, for four total.

Tuesday: Get things organized and plan on how to do the magical contest. Finish all the stats and magical stuff and get everything prior to the magic contest finished
Wednesday: Finish first day of contest.
Thrusday: Finish second day of contest.
Friday: Test everything out and make sure it works then release the update.


So Sunday is break day, I been playing warhammer 2 a bit today, playing as the vampires. Later tonight I will probably spend some time going over Magical Girl contest to get ready to work on that Monday. It had similar issues as with into the dungeon, with it lagging so I have to reorganize it and stuff. I did split it up a while ago but I am pretty sure I didn’t break it like I did with into the dungeon, and I also don’t think I worked on it after that so the original file should have everything too.

Also I noticed a few days ago my longer term schedule was off. Some how I skipped a week, so should be:

March 26th: Magic girl contest update.

April 2nd: Kawaii update

April 9th: Old Soul update


Okay fixed all the bugs and broken paths people have been reporting. I new I had missed some stuff with the vampire path and fixed that plus a few other random missing passages or bugs.


So since I posted into the dungeon yesterday I been doing random stuff today. I actually have a few games I got a decent amount of stuff for that might make a fun game but I have several and not sure what to work with. I wonder if maybe I should do a poll some time or something to see what games people are interested in and focus on finish some of the side projects. Of course I am not talking about a big new project as I got other stuff to finish but something to do on the side.

Tomorrow I will be working on any bugs I can find that people have posted about for Into the Dungeon. I already fixed one of the bugs from the vampire castle but some other people complained so I am not sure if it was the bug I fixed or something else, so I will look into it. There was another with the ratgirl path missing a link but I fixed that one already as well. I hunt down all the other bugs tomorrow to fix. Overall the game seems pretty stable though and there isn’t a ton of problems with bugs or broken links.

Into The Dungeon

No idea why it was bugging out but it seems to be working now. Anyway the plan is to update today so I can get feedback then work a bit out any issues over the weekend. You should be able to get to some kind of ending no matter what you do now. If you don’t let me know.

I think I got most of the paths, though I didn’t make a vampire specific ending, because I didn’t see a vampire path. It might of got rolled into the main path at some point or resulted into a bad ending earlier. I will have to look into that. I think all the other transformations paths have specific endings though.



So I finished the endings but the game has a ton of branching paths all over and it hard to test. So I was thinking I would just upload the game today, then take Friday off as my free writing day, and then work on bugs and all that on Saturday instead, after I can get some feedback from people playing the game and stuff. That was my plan but I uploaded the game and it doesn’t work.

The html file works perfectly fine on my computer but when uploaded to the site it gives a bunch of errors and doesn’t work at all. I never had that happen before, so I have no idea what is wrong. Perhaps a twine 2 issue(I usually don’t use twine 2)? Anyway, if I can figure out how to fix it, I will post the game later today.

Edit: Umm I just noticed that it works perfectly fine for microsoft edge, and it is just chrome that is causing the errors. Now I am even more confused. I am opening the file in chrome on my pc and it works but chrome wont open it if it is hosted on the web but other browsers do?


So yesterday plan of fixing stuff went far easier than expected but todays plan of actually trying to finish stuff is a much big problem. I was originally thinking of extending the game a bit more but now I am thinking of just writing endings for all of the paths. My thought is that if everything is finished and complete, I can later extend certain paths if I want. I currently have too many different paths going around though, that it is hard to get them all going in the same direction.

So that is my current goal, to get all paths of the game to conclude with an ending of some kind. Since the game is full of bad endings, it makes sense and works for most of them. If any turn out feeling a bit rushed, I can come back and flesh them out a bit more, when I don’t have to worry about 20 different branches at the same time.


Converting the game to twine 2 and then adding in the new stuff wasn’t that bad. Though I kind of feel like I might be missing stuff. It was pretty easy to find missing passages, and of course the passages that links to the missing passages are easy to find and update as well. The problem is if I edited something that wasn’t near the end a branch, there is no way to tell if I changed it.

Well I wont worry about it too much. I tried checking stuff that looked newer, and I think I got most of it. If I missed and update passage here or there, I suppose it isn’t the end of the world(hopefully I didn’t miss any code stuff that might break something). Anyway I am basically done with that and will do some tests to make sure everything is working now, but at first glance it seems to be working fine(the game file I used to convert to twine 2 was working before the conversion so it should be good).

The plan

So I remember why I stopped working on into the dungeon now. I had tried to reorganize the game before to deal with the laggy issue and some how a bunch of the scenes got deleted. I tried looking for an original backup of it but I can’t find it. So basically those scenes are just gone(at least in an easily usable format). I think originally what I tried to do was convert the old html file to a twine file but the thing that converts it, converts it to twine 2. Which would be fine, but I am pretty sure I added a bunch of a new scenes that weren’t in the original html file as well. So I have the reorganized twine files with the newest stuff but a ton of missing scenes, and the old html file without the new stuff, and it was a pain in the butt to deal with.

Which really sucks, because twine 2 fixes the lagging problem. So had I just converted to twine 2 in the first place, I wouldn’t have lost any of the passages and could of just continued on with no problem. Anyway, I will probably convert the html to twine 2 then manually add all the new scenes and hopefully it will work out.

Tuesday: Unfuck the game and test everything to make it works and I am not missing anything
Wednesday: Finish everything in the demon city, demon castle and the side path of returning to your home.
Thrusday: Recheck all the paths and make sure I didn’t miss any and do more testing.
Friday: Release the update.


So today I been mostly thinking of random ideas for games, and working on the game I mentioned yesterday. Well I always get distracted by random stuff, though limiting it just to the weekend has worked out well so far. Starting Monday it will be time to get back into thing with an update for Into the Dungeon. Not looking forward to trying to reorganize the game and testing and going through it to make sure it works. On the bright side, I had worked on adding some content before, so if I get everything working it shouldn’t be that difficult to finish off the next level of the dungeon, which is the demon town area.