Author Archives: adminlily


I remember before I went over a year, posting every single day. I am not sure if that actually helps motivates me to get stuff done any faster, but it work it preventing super long breaks between doing anything.


I just noticed a post on tfgamesite they were thinking of doing a new contest. They were looking for someone to run it, but I didn’t see any posts so I said I would be up for running it. I guess if I run it, I can’t compete, so it wouldn’t be a huge distraction like making a game would be though.


Some times I kind of need a break for writing naughty style scenes, but then I write other stuff and think of hot kinky scenes, which distract me from taking a break. Then the kinky scene might not even be the scene I was doing originally, so then I got two different kinky scenes and didn’t even take a break.


One thing I noticed, when I chop games up into sections and have like completely different areas, it is way easier to organize. However, it is also a bit harder to keep the work flow going. I think it is definitely worth it to make things more organized. Though there are natural points where you got to stop writing to plan or organize things, and there are more of those point when you break up the different areas. So it feels a bit slower at times. Long term though, things can get really messy if you don’t take steps to organize stuff however.


I definitely want to put out some game this month. Ideally I can get everything sorted with my big game, so I can release the update with the three big areas. If not though, I can definitely put out a small game. Though maybe I can even do both.


Just slowly working my way back into things again. I am feeling pretty good now. In fact I am kind of motivated to write all kinds of stuff, so I really need to get myself to focus on the project.


Okay, starting today I am back to daily updates on what I am doing. I took the last week off, though I did work a little on a side game, about a demon corrupting a noble and turning them into a demon. I might work a little more on that on the side, but I am going to be focusing on the main project for now.

The Plan

So I feel like I am just not getting much done and don’t feel too motivated and stuff. I am going to take a week off and reset, and organize some stuff. Then starting next week, I am going to go back to posting everyday and try to get stuff done. Even if it is just a little each day that helps gets progress going.


Summer seems like kind of a rough time here, it gets super hot, kids get off school so are around a lot. Just feel like not getting a lot done the last couple of weeks and progress is slow.


Still making progress on the game, though I know I have not been posting much updates on here. I need to get some free time this week, to like do an all day work on the game to blast through a bunch of stuff. Some times I do my best work, when I can get like all day just focused on getting stuff done in the game. It can be hard to plan that though.

On a side note, for this game I am organizing all the major areas into their own files. That way later on I can come back and add new stuff to the areas, if I create new spells or if there is weird combinations that might effect an area. It also means even though initially, I am organizing it as like a ‘year one’ thing with a set of three locations, later on I can change that to make like every location explorable at the start or something. It wont be too difficult to switch things.