
Lately I been trying something new. Which is working on stuff like as soon as I wake up. I noticed before that I did more work in the morning, even though I am really tired and not a morning person at all.


I been staying up pretty late lately, but I think tonight I am going to bed a little earlier(even though it is super late right now). I kind of want to get back to no stay up quite so late. Like staying up until 2am is pretty decent for a late night owl like me. Staying up to 4 am, which I some times do, it a bit much.


I probably mentioned this before, but I am also trying to write a novel, while writing kinky transformation games on here too. It is a bit of a weakness of mine, writing really long things and doing extensive edits for it. Since often the games are not as long as a novel, and also while I do edit the games I usually don’t do like a fully line by line edit, and usually don’t make major story changes or anything.


So the tfgamesite contest is over now and the winners are up over there. I was working on the big game today, that is a huge mess of random scenes. I had to organize some stuff in ways I know wont work out later, just to start building the structure of game. So I have the game go through random training scenes. Later I need to organize it so they are not entirely random but trigger based on the actions you take, but it helps to form the structure of the game, so I know where to place things.

The plan

I am still not sure if I just had allergies or if I was sick. Either way, it turned out not being so bad. So it didn’t slow me down much. Just sneezing and running nose type stuff.

I think I am going to go back to trying to post daily, because I feel like if I post semi daily it is easy to get distracted. I should be free this Saturday and I am going to try to get a good chunk of stuff done.


Now after watching my niece for a whole week, I am feeling a bit sick. It might just be really bad allergies though. I suppose I will know if I get any sicker or get a fever or something.


The contest is going well on the tfgamesite. So far there is a ton of votes, way more than they normally get. So that is good.

Though my niece was sick all last week and I was helping to watch her, since her parents are normally at work while she is in school, and she couldn’t go to school. She is better now though.


I feel like I been really side tracked lately. I have been getting some side stuff done but not my major goals I wanted to get done. I think after the contest is over, I need to take a few days and just focus entirely on finishing up a game.