I hope everyone has a fun Halloween, even if you don’t dress up and do anything crazy. I usually don’t really do too much for Halloween, though it is one of my favorite holidays. I just kind of like the vibe, even though I don’t go out to parties or anything.
I feel like I need to take a day off from the internet. Lately I been wasting a lot of time just looking at random stuff, or making random comments to stuff.
I kind of got rid of all major distractions, but the little ones sure seem to add up. I really feel like I need to do a full reset and get a clear schedule so I can get better organized. I am working on that now.
I mentioned before I kept thinking about worrying about upcoming appointments. One was the dentist appointment awhile ago, but another was today. I was meeting an online friend for the first time, so was really nervous about it for days ahead of time, even though I knew there wasn’t anything to worry about. Though now that is over, I don’t have any upcoming things to worry about at all, so I can really focus on what is going on in the moment.
I have done week schedules before to try to get more organized, but recently I was thinking about a more detailed daily one. I know I am sort of bad at following them some times, but I also do follow schedules often, if they are very strict. It is the open spots, that let you really get distracted.
So next month is national novel writing month. Last year I wrote a game during it and it worked out well. This year I was thinking of writing something, though it probably wouldn’t be a game. Though I also don’t plan on taking the month off to write a book either. I was thinking though, that I might try to write a book and work on games here at the same time. It is a ton of work, but I need to work on my habits, so I can spend longer time writing without losing focus on stuff.
I feel like I need a day off, and not like doing anything at all, online. I do a lot of stuff online, and while online you can easily get distracted by random stuff, and I feel like lately, there has been a lot of random distraction.
Not sure if I will have time to work in a Halloween game or not, seems like the days are flying by and it is almost half way through the month and I still got lots to do!
Got a bunch of stuff to do tomorrow, including going to the dentist. So probably wont do much then.
I wonder if anyone is doing anything interesting for Halloween this year? I kind of want to do something cool, but probably not going to.