10 thoughts on “Demonic Evolution Archive

      1. Ultipand

        This may be a bit radical, but I wonder if making it a ‘play via Discord’ thing rather than a ‘play via Email’ thing might be easier to coordinate, if you decide to do one in the future?

        1. adminlily Post author

          Probably depends on the number of people. The reason it was really hard before was because I had like 50 people joining at once.

          1. Ultipand

            Oh yeah, ouch :X A hard limit on the amount of people might make things easier to deal with, and would probably make rounds go faster.

  1. Robox225

    I really hope one day this “game” will be open again. I loved the random situations and the general lewd tone of the game. Also, play with other people is always fun.
    Thanks for your time and effort Lily.

    : )

  2. Oddius

    Belated Happy New Year!

    Long time lurker, but played a few games of this and loved it, and admittedly have been enjoying your new games when you deem them finished. 🙂

    Wanted to follow up on the commentary from last year. Would it help if someone offered to handle the mechanics of the game on your behalf, for you being interested in running another game of it? Like turn processing, turn order, etc, so basically they can just hand you a list of who does what, when, at each location so you can write out the results? If so, I’d be happy to help, and I’m sure there’s some others that would be equally interested! Also happy to build out a discord if you wanted to go that route. Might take a bit to get such a thing to a usable state, but its doable for sure and could make things a bit easier on the writing/posting side of things.

    1. adminlily Post author

      I would be willing to work with someone if they wanted to run the mechanics of it. It would make it a lot easier for me. Though it is a lot of work, so I would need to talk with them about it, to make sure they understand the rules and stuff, and know what they are getting into. I would suggest sending me a message on the forums at tfgamesite.com, which I usually use and would probably work better than on this board.


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