
Now after watching my niece for a whole week, I am feeling a bit sick. It might just be really bad allergies though. I suppose I will know if I get any sicker or get a fever or something.

2 thoughts on “So

  1. drift tide

    hey is there a way to download the twine file for the pony express game? im working on making my first twine game, and well your pony express, while unfinished is one i really like, and i wanted to peek under its hood to see how the different pages are strung together. right now i know how to hyper link to different pages. and im watching videos on if and or statements and so on. my first game is going to be rudimentary in design still.

    1. adminlily Post author

      With twine games, there really isn’t much to it. Each page shows up in twine, linked by lines. In a story that progresses, I typically start on the left side and go the right, so going right progresses the story. If there are branches I split them off above or below, so everything just continues going to the right, and they can merge and split as they go. If you have like an area you can explore, then I can of make a ‘map’ of the area using the pages. So like going north, just goes up.


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