Monthly Archives: November 2022

Sneak Peek

So I am working on national writing month goal, but with a twine game instead. I mentioned the reasons earlier but it is working out pretty well. My main reason for doing the writing challenge, is to get myself writing every day for the entire month and in that way, even though I am working on a game, it has worked out well. Right now I am up to 18500 words, which is ahead of sechdule.

My plan is to keep working every day, even if I break the 50k limit, which I should be able to do. Which means, the game is actually going to be pretty long, especially since I didn’t go crazy with branch paths like some games. Even with it only being a week in, it is a pretty decent length, even at only a quarter of the final length. So I am going to post what I got so far up here, for those interested.


So I am kind of just going for it, for the game I am working on. I did want to work on a novel for nanowrimo but my goal is to get better at writing everyday and just general improve writing so I suppose it still fulfill the goals to make a game. I am trying to keep the same sort of style, as if writing a book though. So the game isn’t very gamey and more a choose your adventure type, with longer passages and slightly less choices. There are choices though, and they do effect things.

The game is a sci fi game, in a world where criminals are turned into silicone sex dolls, and there are also AI robot sex dolls. The game is sort of explores what it means to be alive and a person. Like is an AI with a personality a person? Is a person who is turned into a sex doll a person? If your personally is changed, are you still you, or what are you? And also of course, there is a lot of sexy stuff too.


So I made some updates to wolf cabin. One of the bugs was apparently keeping the wolf from even changing, but that is fixed now(actually fixed that one yesterday). Which means it is now time for me to write a novel for national novel writing month! I actually had a plan for that and outline the novel and stuff and created a good setting and characters and stuff to get ready for it.

Then I had a random idea for a game and I started writing that instead. I was kind of debating if I should do that. If it is a 50k word game, it still counts. I am pretty sure some of the biggers games I have are 50k words, so that is entirely doable.