Monthly Archives: July 2022


I wanted to try to knock out one of the shorter games, since I been a bit busy lately but then I was so busy the last few days, I have not been able to get much done at all. Though I do think the next few days should clear up a bit.


It isn’t that late, at least compared to when I normally go to sleep(still kind of late though). I am feeling super tired today so I am going to bed a bit early. I have not slept well the last few days so been really tired.


I may have gotten a couple of games for the big steam sale and got distracted playing them. One of which is Star Trader, which I had on my wish list for a long time but never got until now. It actually turned out to be a really fun game.


I just mentioned the little humidifier I got and I mentioned the kids being over for summer break the other day. Well one of them broke the humidifier already.


So on an unrelated note, I wonder how many people check the humidity in their homes? It was never a thing I paid attention to at all, but recently I got a small humidifier and been checking. Like right at this moment it is almost a hundred outside and the humidity is 10%, though the recommended for your house is like 40%. So saying my house was super dry, is an understatement. I think the average is around like 15% inside my room, though I been running the humidifier all day long and that keeps it more around 30-40%.