Monthly Archives: July 2022


Today was a really bad day to get stuff done. Not even just as far as working on games, but couldn’t get any of the stuff I wanted to get done, done. I think I will try to get to bed a little bit earlier than I have been getting to sleep lately, and hopefully tomorrow will be a good day.


Today I did the opening for the story idea I had for magical girls. The idea came for a novel but I was curious how it would work in a game format, so I wrote that out, just to see how it might work out. There is some pros and cons to switching formats, but I don’t think it turned out too bad. I am not sure if I will actually make it a game yet, I was just experimenting with it. Mostly I had the kids over all day and they were distracting me, so I didn’t get too much other stuff done.


Today I want to try to plan out some things, so hopefully this next week I can get back on schedule and get some stuff done. Though the kids visiting are still kind of distracting, but I can’t wait until summer is over to get stuff done.


Lately I been doing posts in the afternoon, instead of late at night. The main reason is because it is been hard to get much done lately, then late at night I can’t think of what to post(still trying to keep daily posts going).


My internet was being a pain last night. I have a pretty good internet as far as speed goes, and most of the time it works, but it has always had a problem of occasionally just randomly going out. Usually only for a few seconds, which is enough to disrupt what I am doing but not a major issue. last night it was down for like an hour though! Which does seem to happen once every few months. Kind of wish we could get more stable internet here, but they don’t really have any better options, even though it is a major city area.


It feels like it has been a while since I made a lot of progress on one thing, feel like I am kind of spinning around, getting a little done here and there but not a lot to show for it. I need to get back to a good schedule, if I can, one that wont be interrupted if kids show up.


I thought I was going to have a few days free of distractions but it was more like a day and half without distractions. Well I guess it was better than nothing and got a bit done during that time.


I watched the last part of stranger things today. Overall it is pretty good, maybe the best season of it yet I think. Though the very very ending, where they are setting up the next season seems a bit off. I mean, clearly they are setting up the last season but I feel they probably could of skipped that. Overall though it was definitely worth watching.


I don’t know why I am even thinking about this, since I don’t really have time to write it, but I randomly had an idea for a tg magical girl novel the other day and then made characters for an entire team of magical girls. Then I randomly thought, wouldn’t it be sexy if it was also a werewolf story and they turned into werewolves? I like the original idea for a more serious fantasy type story, though I like the werewolf idea as well, except it turned it far more into an erotic story idea with it(because I was thinking sexy werewolf transformations). Which wasn’t really my intention with the original idea.