Monthly Archives: March 2022


So a bit short day today again, just setting things up. I got a warning today coming to my website though, saying it wasn’t safe(it isn’t actually dangerous just that default message). Anyone else getting that? I will have to ask the webhost about it.


So just a bit of a light day today, getting things prepared for the coming week. I am going to need to get a few good days in, to put out a lot of work to finishing up the theme park stuff in kawaii this week. Usually monday and tuesday are not huge days, but I want to get stuff prepped for later in the week so I can hopefully get a lot of work done all at once, when I get a good length of time and motivation going.

The plan

Okay, this week I am going to try to finish up all the theme park stuff on Kawaii. Next Sunday will be the deadline to get all the major stuff for that done. The week after that, I am going to outline the endings, and then go fill in any back stuff I need for the endings to work. Being that coding choices, or adding in different relationship options and what not. Then the week after, I will finish up all the endings. So the final deadline for the final release, will be in three weeks. I will release it on a Monday so the 27th.


Just working on some stuff today. I couldn’t get a big push done, like I was hoping I might. So short post today, tomorrow I should have the big update for my coming plans though.


So Sunday is current the day I review things and plan ahead. This Sunday I want to try to map out a plan for finishing Kawaii. The hard deadlines work well for me some times, so I want to plan it out and set deadlines to get it finished, since I know it has been dragging a bit. I will decide then how long it will take to finish. Probably between one week or three weeks. Maybe two weeks to finish it up, then a week of polishing everything up. It might depend on how much I can get done this weekend.


Not a ton going on today, just making progress a little at a time. I feel like the last few days to a week I been staying up too late, so been feeling a bit tired. I tried taking a nap in the afternoon but can’t seem to get much sleep around then.


I put those unfinished games in their own areas on the main menu, under the section ‘short games’. That way people can find them easier without going through all the daily posts.


I did some work on smaller games today, tomorrow I will try to work on kawaii again. I need to get some good progress with that done, so I can finally finish it and go to the next game. Which will probably be magical girl contest.