Monthly Archives: January 2022


Getting the final part of Kawaii done is taking a lot of work, though I am hoping at some point I will get inspired and get a bunch done on it at once. Maybe over the weekend if I don’t get too many distractions. The final endings shouldn’t be too hard to get done, once I get there though. There is probably going to be several variations, but you wont have a huge area to wander around and ton of choices, since it will be more like a summary of what all your choices and how they impact you as you return home.


I didn’t mention this before, but this year I plan on continuing on with daily posts everyday. Since it really does help me keep focus and at least constantly thinking about the games and stuff(even when taking a break from working on them). That way small delays never turn into big delays.

I am just mentioning that since it is a bit slow today. Maybe I need to work on more sex scenes for kawaii so I have more to talk about? Well there is some flirting scenes and stuff but no big sex scenes since it is a date at the amusement part.


Got a bit distracted today since it was a holiday and my nephew was over. Apparently they are off school tomorrow too, since they got an extra day off to avoid covid because a bunch of teachers were sick or something. So might also get distracted tomorrow too.

The Plan

So this week is just going to be the same as last week with different characters. Since I want the ending different for each character you might have a relationship with. After I do that for everyone, I will do the endings and should be able to wrap Kawaii up.

Actually I might need to go back to add in a little here or there for all the relationships to make sense and work right, but for the most part should be done. After I get Kawaii finish I will work on Magical girl contest until it is finished, then Old souls. Then it is all the small games. I am leaving are all girls sluts, for last though, since that is probably the most complex one, coding wise.


Still a little behind where I wanted to be but I should be able to catch up tomorrow. Sunday is when I want to do the planning and outlining stuff, but since this coming week is just going to be the same as last week, with different characters, I don’t really need to outline a while new thing. So the extra time can just be spent on getting more done.


I am a little behind where I wanted to be today, as far as working on Kawaii. Hopefully I will be able to get a long done tomorrow, to finish up all the weekly goals for this week. Next week will be doing the same stuff but just with different characters.


I skipped taking a nap today, and staying up a little later, to try and get my sleeping schedule back on track. Not staying up super late, but not getting up way earlier in the morning either.


I got my covid booster shot today. With another huge spike of covid going around, it is important to be safe and try to remain healthy. Also still trying to deal with being really tired and having a super long nap in the middle of the day. Can’t seem to stop waking up really early and getting my sleep schedule fixed due to it.


I don’t feel like I am getting a ton done lately, but I am sticking to my schedule, so should get things finished if I just keep that up. I do tend to often do a ton of work in large bursts, so at some point I will probably get a ton of extra stuff doing(all the extra scenes for different relationships in kawaii).