Monthly Archives: December 2021


So obviously I am not going to finish all my games by the end of the month(I said that months ago when the tfgamesite contest was announced), however I was trying to get some of the biggest games done. I was thinking of just taking the month off though, since I am not sure I will get too much done with the holiday and stuff.

When I say take the time off though, I don’t mean I am not going to work on the games however. What I was thinking, was taking a more flexible approach and just working on stuff as I have time. So still working on all the games and getting stuff done but not holding myself to a strict schedule that is probably just going to stress me out. Also just letting myself work on the games I am motivated to work on, instead of trying to force myself to get something specific done.

More Plans

I always have a plan for what I want to do next year, which is why I wanted to finish up all the old stuff by the end of this year. I am not going to be able to finish everything but I have already finished a lot of want I wanted to go done and the stuff not done at least got good progress and heading that way. So I should be able to get it all finished up not too late into next year. I will go over the plan I had in mind, and give more details on that later this month too.


So later this month at some point, I want to do a review of all the stuff I been doing to help increase my work and stay on task to help better decide which things work and which didn’t. I know there is still work to be done but I do feel I got a lot done this year as well. So I will spend a day going over all that at some point.


So feeling much better today, was glad that little sickness wasn’t that big of a deal and recovered before even getting too sick. Maybe it was just really bad allergies? I am not sure. Anyway, I got back into stuff today.


So I got some rest and I am feeling better. My throat is still a little sore but I think I am over whatever that was, a small cold or something. I thought I was starting to get a fever last night but I turned out fine after resting. Hopefully it stays like that.


I feel a little sick today. Or rather, I feel like I am starting to get sick, but not quite sick yet. Just a bit stuffed up and feeling a bit tired. It didn’t cause me a problem today but hopefully I am feeling okay tomorrow.


I got a decent amount done today, though tomorrow seems like I am going to be kind of busy, at least all morning and afternoon, so not sure how much I will get done then. Hopefully I can get a lot done in the evening.


Was working on my planning for what to do with Kawaii today, since I was a bit busy earlier and didn’t have a ton of time. Tomorrow I am hoping to really get a lot of the content done for the second day at the amusement park.