Monthly Archives: November 2021


Didn’t really get much done today, though hopefully tomorrow I can really get into things. Like I was doing before, I will be getting started on the week on Sundays, rather than Monday, to hopefully get things off to a good start. The contest on tfgamesite is delayed a bit, because the person running it is sick.


So don’t expect any big updates this week as I am just setting things up for later. On Sunday though, I should have a full schedule for the coming week and more plans on what I will be doing. I will be working on kawaii and it will be the last day of the game.

I will probably be working on setting up and organizing things tomorrow. I wanted to copy the layout of the amusement park for the second day at the amusement park, which should save time. Though I am not sure how that will turn out, coping and pasting things and changing the events and what not. I will probably test it out a little tomorrow to see how it goes.


You ever feel like you have a ton of stuff you need to do, or want to do, but then you feel a bit overwhelmed and you don’t get any of the stuff done? That is how I sort of feel at the moment, that there is a ton of stuff I need to get done but not making ton of progress in any of them because my attention is split up. That is why I need to get back on my schedule and try to get my focus, or at least my main focus on getting one thing done.


So the contest voting doesn’t seem to be up yet for the tfgamesite, but I will post on here to let people know when I see it up. It should probably be in the next few days. They typically make a bunch of poll threads for it, so it might take a bit to organize things.


So today I was taking a bit of a break. I felt like I needed a day off. Though I still have tons of stuff I need to get working on, so can’t afford to take much time off! Got to get back into the other games. I will probably spend the next couple of days planning things out though, since organization helps a lot.