Monthly Archives: January 2021


My plan to work 6 hours straight yesterday didn’t work out well since right after I started a family thing came up and I ended up getting distracted by them. Some people just can’t seem to understand that you shouldn’t just show up without telling someone ahead of time. Also they don’t seem to understand that I am an introvert so I don’t actually need to see them everyday, or every week or even every month. Even if they are family and I do enjoy spending time with them, I need my private time too! I did get some things done though but not nearly as much as I wanted to.

Working Hard

I am a night person, plus I have too many distractions during the day, so I often don’t start working on games until later in the day. Like today, I have not done too much yet. However I am sitting down now getting ready to spend the next 6+ hours working on games tonight. Lets get some stuff done tonight!


Got distracted by a lot of political stuff again today! I guess that is one my weaknesses as I get distracted by that sort of stuff when big things happen. Still I am going to try to work on getting more of the smaller game finished tonight and I still hope to get it done soon.


Just a short update to keep up with my daily posts. Really busy with other stuff, so too distracted to get anything done today. There is also crazy political stuff going on today, but I won’t go into that on here

Game Backlog

Well I have a lot of games on here I need to work on, but also there are so many games I have on steam that I want to play, but there is so little time. I wonder if others got a lot of games for Christmas and stuff. I have games from like two Christmas that I still need to play!

I have alien isolation that I have not started. I got witcher 3 that I only did like the first area in and I have had the game for over a year. I have neir that I got a long time ago but the controls weren’t too good but I got a controller for Christmas this year so I can play it and I played a few hours into it but then have not had a chance to keep going. I got a bunch of Atelier games I had not started. Then there are a ton of games I am like half way through but can’t seem to get the time to finish. I should probably not buy any new games for the next two years and just focus on finishing all the ones I got.

Which probably also applies on games I work on for here. There is actually 927 files in my twine folder. Even accounting for some of them being compiled games, or pictures or folders or what not, there are probably well over 500-600 games in there. A lot of them are fairly small, just exploring different ideas and stuff. That is probably way too many though. I know that is one of my flaws though, I need to focus on a few things at a time and work until they are finished.

The other game

So the other game I am working on that I hope to get finished up by this weekend is about someone in a highschool with a bully that has magical powers and everyone turns into girls and stuff. The idea of the game is to be similar to games like the Manly Contest, where you just trying to survive without getting turned into a slutty girl, though in a different setting.


I want to get focused back on Kawaii again, but before I work more on that I am trying to finish up the other game I am working on. Like I mentioned before it will be a shorter game but should still be fun and will be complete when I release it. I am hoping to finish it up by this coming weekend. It is also a really sex heavy game with lots of naughty transformation and sex.


So I am hoping to release one game soon but Kawaii is a more long term project and is going to be larger. So I am wanted to talk about that a bit. Some longer games I have done have had issues so I really planned things out better this time. The game has a set time period and each day in the game is it’s own twine file, so everything is really organized and there is also a clear end of the game.

In the game, you turn into a girl and go on vacation in Japan. Each day you go to different places to explore around and do stuff in. You can’t see and do everything though so have to choose where you go, and in many places you need to decide what things to prioritize doing or seeing as you have limited time.

Happy New Years!

Happy New Years everyone! Between covid stuff and all the election related stuff and other things, things have been really busy and distracting for me. So it has been hard to get stuff done. I am going to redouble my focus and try to get stuff done in 2021 though!

With that in mind, I decide that I am going to start posting on here everyday. I feel that will help keep me focused, and give me motivation to keep working on stuff. Plus it will keep me accountable, as posting everyday is a clear objective. It is also something that I feel is a realistic goal, since I should always be able to post something, even if it is small.

Current Projects:

Right now I am working on a special request, that should almost be done. I am tweaking a few things in the game and adding a bit here and there. When the person is happy with the final game, I will release it for everyone.

I am also working on Kawaii. It is a game based around doing cute and girly things. So while there will be some sex stuff in it, the focus is more on being a girl than the game being a sex romp. I been working on it a bit, so it does have a decent amount of content so far but I plan on it being one of my largest games yet(and I organized it really well with that in mind this time). I am not sure if I should wait until the game is finished or release a partial version first though, still considering that.